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OP might be actually (her) promoting her(self), though it is odd that the official Endchan Twitter account and @Odilitime both follow such a degenerate Jew as her. The site bugs and crappy development should already be a good reason to abandon a platform like this, it has no future.
Oh well, where do you go next, huh?
They have the right to shit taste.
But at this point all porn is crap. Few decades ago - scratch that, few years ago - porn was something a person could see on rare occasion, it was exotic and erotic (even hardcore), now whatever porn anytime, it's common as air or water.

Also why peeps ITT think that these anime sharing sites are political platforms?
An image board is whatever its users make it out to be, but image boards are not great for serious discussion, there are simply very few platforms one can go to with "controversial" information or opinion.
Same as above, though please stop blaming stuff on a dead board.
Maybe it's the low-key shilling Balrog wrote about. Her followers must be bunch of creeps and if some of them decide to check who are the other followers and find Endchan maybe they'll visit the site. They would feel right at home, target audience and all that.
Yeah, yeah, it was Odili.
Frankly I don't get it why he gets so much cold, basically keeps running the site as the only competent codemonkey around. Well, when the site runs anyway. But still. Let the man watch porn he likes. Noone should force 2D loli waifus on him.
> inb4 odili spotted
i hav an alt if thats betta

idk im still a virgin and dont really feel like lewding anymore

plus after what happend on 8 i i )=

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