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As I understand it the only pedo boards that have been nuked by global staff are the ones that were created solely to flood the "recent images" div with cheese pizza. /cp/  was a joke board from its creation and /hebe/ was nuked by popular demand and given the same treatment as /cp/.

As for the allowance of pedo boards, I direct you to the global rules.
> No suggestive images of real children.
> Not wanting pedos roaming Endchan.
> must be bible thumping faggots

Not you child molesting neighbor next door, we don't want your degeneracy on here. Fuck off with the highest velocity.
I don't even go to /hebe/ or care about it. I just don't want you fucking faggots here at all. You shouldn't be on imageboards to begin with. Go back to Reddit or Tumblr for your politically correct bullshit, you butthurt faggot.
I'm not even mad at you. Your whole ocean of tears was pretty hilarious. I'm just extremely disappointed in the admins for being such cuck faggots who rolled over and happily took it up the ass because there were too many tears.
see, there's a degeneracy even degenerates find degenerate. and child porn and sexualization of children is one of them. it's not my fault you have no morals in your empty husk of flesh.
No pedo-images allowed on posts but text and boards are allowed. But it's hard for them to get enough traction for an actual board without images.

Also the rules the way they are didn't need a global to do what was done to /hebe/, any user could have done that. 

I think what it comes down to, is if I have a choice of a bunch of teenagers that want to fap to other teenagers and a group of anons that are older and more mature. I'll pick the older group.

Well make a new hebe without illegal shit. Just ban the spammers, we only need legit users.

This /hebe/ will be like cunnychan; no suggestive images of kids or teens, just candid and legal.
> itt: subhuman filth demanding pedophilia

This is proof the death penalty should be reinstated.
Hey, look, a chan run by censor happy prudes. This will TOTALLY be a success. Hope the pedos flood you with spam just for shits and giggles.
Why do you always have to shit up every imageboard? Why don't you just create your own fucking pedochan and stay the fuck there?

Your time will come eventually, anyway. All pedos need to hang and will.
How about just stop all the "hurr durr" and discuss seriously?

I think the pedo guys have other places to go, don't need to be in endchan:

However, I think this became a automatic taboo to our society, like "pedo == no-no". This is idiot. If the being (girl or boy) want it, consent it and it's not hurting, just having pleasure, I can't see how this is wrong besides all the fuck heads that want to say what people can do and what not. For example: a 9yo kid is discovering her sexuality. She just tease a older boy (>18yo), wanting to do something. Note: *she* wants. If this boy (>18yo) actually do something and other people see it, this people can put this boy in jail, just because the girl wanted it. Do you think this is right? I'm sorry, I don't. Re-think your ideology guys, just think outside of all the doctrination that people teach you since you was a kid.

[ps: I'm not defending coersive pedo. Read again. The thing above is based on Non-agression principle:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-aggression_principle ]

2 things: 

1. You are clearly not a parent. 

2. Do you think it is healthy to jumpstart the "sexual discovery" at 9 years old? Just because society is moving in that direction does not mean it is good or sound to do so. Argue all you want, but children simply do not have a moral or ethic foundation on which to base their decisions on. 

With your reasoning, if a child was really angry and wanted to kill itself (or someone else), that is acceptable. 
"But that's hurting someone else", you might say. Well, so does pushing a degenerate's lust and disgust on to said 9 year old too.

Whatever happened to proper parenting?
> Do you think it is healthy to jumpstart the "sexual discovery" at 9 years old?

Who knows? Even people that dedicate their whole life to study psychology can't answer this. From a evolutionary psychology perspective, pedophilia is kinda "normal" and a trace from Bonobos primates:

That does not mean, of course, that we need to accept it just because it's a trace of our evolution.

> children simply do not have a moral or ethic foundation on which to base their decisions on.

They don't need "moral or ethic foundation" to take this decision. If it's a pleasure for them and it's not coersive, there's nothing to be against.
Prohibit something based on personal believes or in false informations without anything to back up (like that sex at this age could "confuse" their psyche) is just non sense.

> if a child was really angry and wanted to kill itself (or someone else), that is acceptable. "But that's hurting someone else", you might say

And they have the right to kill herself. It's their life, not the others (that's the same discussion with assisted suicide[1]). Life is not a permanent bag that you have to carry, if you want to end your life, without hurting other people, it's your right to do so.
Now, of course, if the kid want to kill or hurt someone else, them that's wrong and someone should stop them.

> Well, so does pushing a degenerate's lust and disgust on to said 9 year old too

That's a non sequitur. Care to elaborate more? I can't see how this have to do with non-agression principle.

> You are clearly not a parent.

If I'm a parent or not is irrelevant, because I don't need to be it to understand this subject. It could also be called "ad hominem".

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_suicide
Great argument guys. If you guys want to  discuss seriously, just stop the memes for a moment. I'll be waiting... but I'm sure not everyone is willing to discuss serious things like this, as an adult and without all the idiocity that people teach you when you are a kid/teenager.

[just to refine my comment above: the argument "some ages are too young to have some sexual activity." is valid to me. For example, there's no way to a children without proper speech consent the sexual act, because they can't even express themselves. Some ages also would be inherently coersive since any pernetration less than, say, &lt5yo will cause some physical damage. In these specific cases, I *do not* support the relationship]
> being taken aback and responding with an appropriate statement of surprise at the stupidity being put on display when someone thinks being told they're not a parent is an insult
> stop memeing on me and be an adult
If you want to be taken seriously then stop being a fucking whiner.  If you want to be treated with basic human decency then stop trying to push the bullshit you've been spouting about pedophilia.
You deserved to be locked up and the key tossed into the deep end of the ocean.
Reasoning was offered here  >>/2314/
Reasoning you unsurprisingly deflected in a fucking leftist shithead manner going "no bully" in the face of criticism.
Now you're acting like nobody has offered you any arguments in the first place.  Were you so traumatized by that savage bullying that you've blocked it out?
> implying that liking the woman in that picture makes you into a pedophile

You're one of those faggots who thinks "pedophile" is some sort of cool badge of honor don't you? 

Pedophile = Someone who likes PREPUBESCENT CHILDREN

That by no means is a PREPUBESCENT child. Fucking faggot.
Just a meta-comment: that's why there's three divisions: Pedophilia, Hebephilia and Ephebophilia. The picture could be a ephebo, but I think she's >18.
I never said that "Bonobos do it, therefore, humans have to do it too". Come back and read again.
I said that, from a evolutionary perspective, humans may be inclined to do this kind of act, not that he has to do it. I only used this argument because someone above said "do you think this is right?". Who know what is right and not? What I know is that if both people respect the principle of non-agression and respect the social contract of the local, punish them because they deriberately want to do and are feeling pleasure would be a victimless crime and, maybe, a privacy disrespect. No more arguments here.
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> moving in that direction
> le assumpshun may mays
get pozzed redneck tool.
you know how I can tell you don't know a single fucking thing that happened before 1950?
stop learning everything through the electric jew and maybe you'll grow a brain, moran.
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Okay, you haven't. Should've read one more line.
Still no idea why even go for this line of reasoning if you understand that it's irrelevant to what should be considered a proper behaviour.

Next thing: you assume evolutionary perspective as correct and it simply isn't. Evolutionary biology came about at a point when science's understanding of organic complexity was far lower than what we have today. Did you know that each cell is basically a factory full of nanomachines? Biologists didn't until recent years. The very idea of "simple organisms" falls out of the window right away. Evolution has a long history of wrongfully attributing relation to species that upon closer inquiry prove to be completely different. 

> Who know what is right and not? 
Moral issues are sometimes quite tangled I admit but here's an easy one: fucking children is wrong.

> they deriberately want to do
Children are fucking retards if you haven't noticed. They can be manipulated into wanting whatever.
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> Prohibit something based on personal believes or in false informations without anything to back up (like that sex at this age could "confuse" their psyche) is just non sense. 

Effects of pedophilic acts on children

I would like to present the biologic effects of intercourse with children. As listed below you will find certain articles about how sexual relationships affect a childs hormonic and chemical structure.
    After witnessing unacademic argumentations against pedophilia I tried to gather certain factual evidence to proof that pedophilia doesn't only affect the mental system but also the physical structure of a prepubescent being. Thanks to the chemical reactions the mind won't be able to adapt and won't be able to evolve as it is supposed to. And thanks to other chemical and hormonal reactions that body won't adapt and evolve how it is supposed to.
    Below are the articles and information about this topic.

    Dopamine is one of the hormones produced within sex
    With high levels of serotonin your child will be affected negatively.

    oxytocin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxytocin
    And also: http://healthland.time.com/2012/12/14/oxytocin-may-forge-bonds-between-dads-and-children/

    Read this article and you will understand that you are misinterpreting your hormones for sexual relationship while it is not.

    As we all know about testestorine having a negative effect on the body if it is overly produced at a low calibre aged person.

    HGH: http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/human-growth-hormone-hgh

    DHEA: http://vitamins.lovetoknow.com/Side_Effects_of_Taking_DHEA
    http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/lifestyle-guide-11/dhea have fun
> Children are fucking retards if you haven't noticed. They can be manipulated into wanting whatever.

True. Maybe the parents of the children or someone responsible for them should permit it or not. But, do not permit they from doing this, even if they want and their parents agree, is stupid.

I do know about the basic of pharmacodynamics of neurotransmissors and receptors in humans. Your links are flawed because they are *not* evidence made from children that had sex.
First link:

ADHD have nothing to do with this discussion. The dopamine released while on sexual activity is temporary, and the maximum this dopamine would do is make the person euphoric, nothing more. You could argument, though, that the children could become addicted to sex/masturbation and do it every day... then that's bad because too much modulation of this transmissor could upregulate or downregulate them, causing problems like ADHD and others. Anyway, there's no evidence that the children became immediately addicted to sex just because she/he did it once or even many times.
> serotonin

Same thing above. Sexual activity release serotonin temporarily.
> Autism and Oxytocin

Again, nothing to do with sexual activity. I would even bet that oxytocin release in large quantities (don't need to be sex, but, say, a massage) could be beneficial for children.

The last links is about exogenous DHEA. Nothing to do with sex and children.

Now, about hormones, I think it *could* change some pathways or activate some genes, but there's no evidence. The research in this field is complex exactly because it's illegal test the effects of masturbation, for example, on children. And most children that tell their parents that they had sex with someone is (probably) abused and forced to do it. These abused children cannot be used as a evidence for serious research, because there's psychological effects (not present in consensual, non coersive, sex). And, again, I'm not defending this kind of act; I'm defending non coersive sexual activity.
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I'll drop the biology because I can't tell if you're bullshitting me or not.

> I'm defending non coersive sexual activity
How would you expect a sexual act on child be perpetrated if not as abuse? 
It's not children walking around with booze and cigarettes trying to entice pedophiles to follow them.

You say children can experience "sexual" pleasure. I'll believe you on that.
Feel free to dismiss what I'm about to say but I remember I experienced some kind of "pleasure" (although vastly different from what I feel when rubbing one off nowadays) from where my dong was when I played with dinosaur figurines and the ones that got "eaten" I hid between my legs, years before I masturbated for the first time. I didn't understand what sex was. I didn't think about it in any kind of sexual manner. I had no idea why it happened, I didn't even analyze it until much later, because only function of dong was peeing.

You can't expect to gain consent to anything from someone that doesn't fucking understand the concept of what he/she is about to consent to for fuck's sake.

And there's a world of difference between being able to teach someone about something and someone actually comprehending the information. Did you know that children cannot comprehend the idea of death up to age of 5? Yea they can say grandpa has "died". They'll know he's no longer around but they cannot understand what occurred and what it entails the way adults do (that happens around the age of 10 in most cases).

> These abused children cannot be used as a evidence for serious research
Then you can basically reject all the data that psychopathology acquired to this day on the subject. I'm afraid you won't be able to get any data in the future either because consensual sexual act on a pre-puberty child cannot exist.
> 2552

> I'll drop the biology because I can't tell if you're bullshitting me or not

Don't try to reduct ad absurdum or appeal to ridicule, this will not work here. I think you just don't have enough arguments about this topic.

> How would you expect a sexual act on child be perpetrated if not as abuse?

Sexual act is constituted by many things, not just penetration. Also, even on a 30yo virgin the first sex will hurt because of hymen. There's many ways to have a sexual act without hurting them; I'm not saying, again, that I defend infantophilia (&lt5yo)... people need to understand the classifications of this topic: there's 4 major divisions (by age) - infantophilia, pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia. I'm defending sexual act above 5 years old, *not* bellow it. I'm pretty sure that a children with >9 for example, can have sex without any physical damage (except the hymen, of course). [I have no data to confirm the last affirmation, though]

> You say children can experience "sexual" pleasure. I'll believe you on that.

You don't need to believe and I don't want you to. It's just logic. The nervous receptors on clitoris or penis is there since you born. It's not like you completed 18 years old and them, subtly, the being had the ability to feel pleasure. That's bullshit.

> You can't expect to gain consent to anything from someone that doesn't fucking understand the concept of what he/she is about to consent to for fuck's sake.

What age where you at this history? Less than 5yo? Then read the above.
A children with 9yo know *exactly* what is sex and I would bet that most of them (female and male) masturbate in bathroom. With the internet and all, they know what is it very young.

> that happens around the age of 10 in most cases

I don't think this data is correct. The "theory of mind" happen around age 3...

>  I'm afraid you won't be able to get any data in the future either because consensual sexual act on a pre-puberty child cannot exist

Don't exist because the law does not permit it, not because it's not consensual. And the law is wrong.
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> Don't try to reduct ad absurdum or appeal to ridicule
I'm not trying anything. I simply stated that my inadequate level of education on this topic does not allow me to verify your arguments in a more user friendly manner.

> A children with 9yo know *exactly* what is sex 
No they fucking don't. They're only beginning to learn and are at a phase they are extremely vulnerable a lot of mental fuckups can occur to follow them for the rest of their lives.

> Don't exist because the law does not permit it, not because it's not consensual. 
Person cannot consent to what he or she doesn't comprehend. 

> And the law is wrong.
No. It's not wrong. At least not in this case. Society won't conform to your fucked up ideas about sexuality.

It's really isn't complicated. Either you reach a certain age and you're considered adult responsible for your decision or you're a child and someone else makes decisions for you because you aren't experienced and developed enough and decisions you'd make are akin to putting fingers into an electric socket.

The age itself may vary a little but even if it's still better to wait few years regardless, especially when it comes to sex life which requires a lot more responsibility and emotional developement than average teen can muster.

PIDF, there's no way in hell things like that will fly. I can no longer sympathize with your fucked up condition when you yourself don't recognize it as a dangerous deviation but rather start advocating it as a normal and healthy thing.
Off yourself.
Do you seriously not understand the concept of burden of proof? Just any reasearch won't do simply because it has been conducted, it has to be conclusive. Some of the links there even are so blatantly anecdotal an honest person would've mentioned that they're only there to add to the pile, but you seem to not have realized the difference and just presented them as conclusive, which to repeat, they are not. Is this the level of discourse we can expect from people who agree with you?

Meanwhile, what we do know is that a lot of people are willing to appropriate any cause, like "stop pedophilia", simply because they're fascists definitely willing to focus on the "stop" part of it, just extent it to whomever they can. And that's the only side of the issue you're trying to enforce here.
> Society won't conform
Keep repeating that as if you didn't believe it. It only matters if you indeed are enforcing an unjust status quo.
this. I have to bookmark the boards I lurk because I am afraid to go on the homepage after there was questionable images on the recent posts photo part of the home page. I support banning uploads via tor if it will make it stop and I use the tor site most of the time.
when there is no ccontet for this sinful content then it can scare someone. if only for the fact that not everyone needs to be burdened by a minorities vice.
> banning upload via tor

That's a kind of censure... if, for example, the subject need to post a image to express some idea, this can be considered a censure.
A better solution would be implement a algorithm within the imageboard engine to identify if the image posted is porn or not. If he detect it as porn, put automatically as spoiler. Else, just leave it.
This software seems to work (written in python - MIT licensed):

I don't have enough knowledge of python to work on this, but for someone that already know this language, it would be pretty simple to do.
don't need to ban images over tor, just have the images be a global ban. if they're not clearly 18, then remove

drawings are fine with me imo since they are not real people

The (Hebrew) Bible supports men taking female children as brides.

Deuteronomy chapter 22, verses 28-29, in hebrew, allows men to rape female children. The man then pays the father 50 silver and doesn't send the girl away ever.

Other passages command the hebrews to take the "women children" as their own.

Now, modern woman worshiping christ-cucks hate such things, but their book is tiny compared to the old-testament.

EDIT: formatting typo fix
Is very simple anons.
> Chan doesn't mean anti-anything.
> Chan doesn't eradicate post.
> Chan allows unwanted interaction.

The only reason we started banning those CP posts were because they could bring 4chan down not because we were bothered.

Remember what the epic threads were.
Not the good ones, the epic ones.
> Elliott Rodgers.
> Toaster Steve.
> Getting that cat torturer.
> Burning your windpipes.
> Hacking Hobbo Hotel.
> Triggering normies.
> Serial killers.
> Skullfucking an skeleton from Paris catacombs.
> Semen cake for the office.
> Jimmy Rustle
> Posting CP of terminally ill children.

What all those had in common was something.
They all were "An anon IRL".
That was anons, everyone, the maniacs, the pedos, the betas, the admitted cucks ,niggers and fags without degeneracy filters.

Now the closest we have is when we form a lynch mob against personal triggers.

The last time we did that Anonymous ended up forming, and even that was better because it started with shits and giggles.

Chan is degenerate.
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> 	An Afghan girl stares at Warrant Officer Troy D. Anstine, executive officer, Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, as he explains her coloring assignment at the school near Forward Operating Base Geronimo March 31. She cautiously entered the school compound after the dodgeball game and is the first girl to attend class at the school. Marines said they hope to encourage more girls from the area to attend class in the future. Photo by Sgt. Brian Tuthill


>     Just before the game had finished, an 8-year-old girl arrived to the school with three other young boys, who quickly joined the group of students while she kept her distance outside the compound.


>     After the game, the school\u2019s Pashto interpreter returned and students went back to their studies. They recited and wrote Pashto numbers and then took on coloring assignments requiring them to pair the numbers to colors and color in the appropriate areas. The girl slowly and cautiously made her way into the compound and joined the class already in session.


>     \u201cWe were so excited to have our first female student,\u201d said Anstine. \u201cShe was scared at first, but I think she had a good time. I hope we will see more girls come to school and start their education.\u201d
> Because you degenerate niggers deserve to hang from the tallest tree, nothing more. Kill yourself.

> Also: see: Deuteronomy chapter 22 verses 28-29, hebrew allows men to rape girl children and keep them: thus man + girl is obviously fine. Feminists are commanded to be killed as anyone enticing others to follow another ruler/judge/god is to be killed as-per Deuteronomy. It is wonderful when this happens from time to time: celebrate)
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Until Global Rule #1 changes as in moving to a more relaxed country concerning cp (assuming that such exists), Global Rule #2 won't possibly change either. No amount of scientific or religious objections would justify pedos being pedos in Nevada unless Nevada changes their rules, which after such a change even were to happen, the Admins and probably the Global Mods have the last say. I would suggest them to ban pro pedo questions in /operate/ and also lock and sticky this thread, even make a disclosure in the home page linking to this thread as to why this is not going to happen.
I really hope endchan doesn't give in to tolerating pedos in any way. Their posting style is obnoxious enough that they'd require a ban even if they were advocating for some other mundane thing.

Brilliant, you scoffer of back to freech or wherever you came from and we'll keep our fascist anti pedo rulechan to ourselves here. No one's forcing you to stay. (Still support discussions though).

Protip: I suspect these "pedos" all have relatively common (and specific) job occupations.

The boy should scold her. (9yo? What is wrong with you?)

It's autism spectrum, and don't insult us like that.

Let me remind you that a lot of things are off limits to children because they can be harmful to oneself (eg. alcohol, weed, cigarettes, prostitution, porn, even driving and voting could be included). There's a reason that the limit is so high. It's not so much a physiological matter (even though I'm pretty sure I couldn't feel anything down there apart for sheer discomfort when the sensitive part was touched until I was at least 12) as much as it it one of experience, maturity, and wisdom/knowledge. Being aware of or able to calculate all potential consequences before indulging.

Sex brings STDs. It is also addictive, and can cause wear. Its purpose is making children, not pleasure, so any argument in favor of >13yo is null. Before 23 people are usually too mentally  immature/inexperienced for marriage. Nevertheless, the limit is at ~18 in most of the west, and lower in more uncivilized countries.  

I'm using Tor right now, I hate this stupid argument, what do you think it solves? Just add capthas, 3 sec delay per post, or both. If even that doesn't fix it, get more mods. 
Worst comes to worse don't show uploaded images until they've been seen and approved by the mod. The last one would require text to be treated as separate from the media attached however, nntpch is also having a problem with this iirc (posts with attachments being completely dropped/rejected on nodes that don't allow them, meaning the text is lost as well and so no sync).

> Hebrew

Read: not Khazar/Edomite/Pharisee/Turkic. Jews hated Jesus, and still do.

> Bible supports men taking female children as brides.

> Deuteronomy chapter 22, verses 28-29, in hebrew, allows men to rape female children. The man then pays the father 50 silver and doesn't send the girl away ever.

> Other passages command the hebrews to take the "women children" as their own.

Brilliant, so you understand then that it's got nothing to do with Christianity but simply stability of our civilization, a shield against chaos and recklessness.

FYI, I'm against women being allowed to vote and many other rights they've recently got. Ironically, it's because they are the main reason the west is so liberal and socialist today, allowing fags and people like you to run free without consequences.

Don't like it? Create another where that's allowed. No one's stopping you. Or just move to an already existing one like masterchan or freech for example. (Enjoy your honeypot, lol).

Anyway, it was interesting reading your discussion, anons, nice read.

To be fair and stay a bit more on topic though, (suggestive?) pictures of children should be contained to one board and banned everywhere else. Problem solved, and it should keep everyone happy, unless anyone's got an argument against that. I've got no problem with zero tolerance of it though, as long as we clearly state that it's forbidden. No "We're pro free speech" statements on our behalf unless we clearly state that we mean text only, not uploadable media. Or just, you know, keep it legal. No more arguments needed. It's a clearnet accessible site after all. It's not as if we're banning discussions, are we?
> Its purpose is making children, not pleasure

You are a funny guy. Even in nature, other animals use sex for pleasure, humans are not different. If you want to ignore biology, fine, but that's stupidy. The woman's clit, for example, have no function but pleasure.
> FYI, I'm against women being allowed to vote and many other rights they've recently got. Ironically, it's because they are the main reason the west is so liberal and socialist today, allowing fags and people like you to run free without consequences.

First thing women did with their vote, as they gained the franchise state by state, was to ban men from marrying female children, you ignorant animal.

> In the United States, as late as the 1880s most States set the minimum age at 10-12, (in Delaware it was 7 in 1895).[8] Inspired by the "Maiden Tribute" female reformers in the US initiated their own campaign[9] which petitioned legislators to raise the legal minimum age to at least 16, with the ultimate goal to raise the age to 18. The campaign was successful, with almost all states raising the minimum age to 16-18 years by 1920.


> Brilliant, so you understand then that it's got nothing to do with Christianity but simply stability of our civilization, a shield against chaos and recklessness. 

Incoherent babble "fags" "stability" "bla"!

Civilization existed fine before women banned men from acquiring female children as brides, but you are completely ignorant of history (guess they taught you herstory, where whites "always" hated "pedophiles" (a word that didn't exist 2 centuries ago because man+girl was fine and everyone knew man+woman wasn't so great))
I notice my 1974 desk dictionary has an entry for paederast, paederastry, pedorast, pedoarastry:
men having sexual relations with other men; especially men having relations with boys.

There is no entry for paedophile, paedophillia, pedophile, pedophillia.

It's as if the power of women in society coincides with the condemnation of man+girl relations,
and the power of men and silencing of women in society has a similar relationship in the opposite direction.

Isn't that something. I'm sure the /cunt/nationalists can explain it away.
Whites hated any man that liked young girls since the very begining, don't cha know --HerStory

> In the United States, as late as the 1880s most States set the minimum age at 10-12, (in Delaware it was 7 in 1895).[8] Inspired by the "Maiden Tribute" female reformers in the US initiated their own campaign[9] which petitioned legislators to raise the legal minimum age to at least 16, with the ultimate goal to raise the age to 18. The campaign was successful, with almost all states raising the minimum age to 16-18 years by 1920.

> Also: see: Deuteronomy chapter 22 verses 28-29, hebrew allows men to rape girl children and keep them: thus man + girl is obviously fine. Feminists are commanded to be killed as anyone enticing others to follow another ruler/judge/god is to be killed as-per Deuteronomy. It is wonderful when this happens from time to time: celebrate)
Men should marry (become lord over) cute pretty sweet female children.

Young girl are good.

Women are not.
> Let me remind you that a lot of things are off limits to children because they can be harmful 

But generally the kids don't get to decide themselves (because they can't assess the harm), but others don't.

>  Its purpose is making children, not pleasure, so any argument in favor of >13yo is null. 

Pair-bonding is also an important natural purpose.

> Before 23 people are usually too mentally immature/inexperienced for marriage. Nevertheless, the limit is at ~18 in most of the west, and lower in more uncivilized countries. 

This is ridiculous, that rule is very recent. Earlier 12-16 was considered normal, and that was just for marriage; sales of slave girls started at around 8.

>  Brilliant, so you understand then that it's got nothing to do with Christianity but simply stability of our civilization, a shield against chaos and recklessness. 

Don't be dense, most of these onlt laws date back to the 1880-1930 period, exactly the period associated with:

> women being allowed to vote

and sufragette activism for "women's rights"
> I really hope endchan doesn't give in to tolerating pedos in any way. Their posting style is obnoxious enough that they'd require a ban even if they were advocating for some other mundane thing. 

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Since people seem to be confused (translation: spinning a narrative) about  >>/1946/ I'd like to clarify that in that post "popular demand" referred to the demands of people on /hebe/, carried out by the board owner. No global-level actions were taken. The reason it was worded that way was because that post was made in the very earliest days of the website, when basically all of the BOs were also globals and the 5 or 6 people posting hadn't stratified into individual boards yet. Global staff deleting boards "by popular demand" is a fucking terrible idea.

Picture unrelated.
Age 9 is when I started my sexual self discovery.  I had a male playmate and everyday we learned about sex together.  It was at age 9 I decided that I got excited over boys and felt nothing sexual for girls.

To answer the question: no, 9 years is definitely not too early to jump start sexual discovery.
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> by popular demand

liar liar pants on fire
a) barely anyone demands to delete aboard and 
b) why dont you delete terrorist boards like /pol/ and /leftypol/ then? 

is endchan compromised same as jimchan?
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additionally i would liek to add that cheese pizza has nothing to do with /hebe/ but is rather code word for satanists who abused children for grotesque rituals (like they did for decades in usa)

trump used the "exposure" to shift the blame over to hillary so he can get the needed votes to get elected while his own business relations are full of epsteins and others. (while epstein btw only got a 1.2 years sentence because he belongs to the trump/kushner kike ring)
im puzzled why omegas owner doenst get this simple set up

i demand a resurrection of /hebe/
and i wished for a true answer of the endchans owners instead of lies
damn dude I just wanted to jerk off to lolis guess I'm going to have to go to the hundreds of different places to do that
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I have idea. Why do you not Tor spam and post what you want? I post gay men having sexes with each other because ((ocelotte)) is faggot. You can nice images of 12 year old is woman nudist any board endfagchan. Is what endchan enables Tor posting for.
Really? Because when you tried to post one on end/pol/ you were banned, and that's why you've been spamming naked niggers and men with jizz all over their faces ever since. You'd think a pedo would only be into pedo shit.

Guess you're really trying to avert from the fact that you're a fucking faggot.
this guy not me but the tor spammer fake who is role playing me 
i only post with tag:  #sj7DAl

this ( >>/6373/) is probably RPD promoting his childish bs. this guy is quite infantile and is working for goldwaters (jim) and other alt-right kike sites. he is also the owner of /news/
Wrong. You spam niggers over Tor. I'm the guy who's been reporting your asagasgfg .jpg type filenames when you spammed the faggots with jizz and men fucking each other over at /pol/. You can lie all you want. Doesn't matter. We're onto your games. Know what's extra funny? imkampfy is a Turkroach, and asgsgfgas is a common situation I've come across for Turkish faggots.

You're imkampfy Get the fuck out.
THIS is why we hate #sj7DAI. He's been D&Cing our BO Ocelotte as he hops on different IPs and spams the fuck out of /pol/ with niggers and faggots with jizz. This latest was because our BO forced anonymous. The nigger spammer is a huge attention whore.

Our versions didn't have bananas. This shit is bananas.
I'm going to bump cause this is something odli needs to see. This is a uncommon bug with older versions of lynxchan. The fact is the site needs to be updated to the newest version of this software because it fixes a few issues like this one (though this is onne of the smallest ones). Update the site software odli it'll make the site a bit more functional and less glitchy, its silly to stay on this version of the software when it has obvious flaws.
Odilitime & balrog, be careful of  >>/4/19148/
They came to overchan, posted Jailbait, psi took them down, and were threatening to respam
I don't have history on lolifox, but it seems CP was allowed until they had to close their instance. We don't allow CP, neither do you, so forewarning.
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If I were you, I would take care to check this group of people a little closer than you have already done. I suspect that the combined idiocy of those posters could do more harm to Endchan than is already obvious.
What are they doing? Something illegal based off of that post. Is it CP, or are they doing some other false-flag shill-level activites?

Also, why the fuck are you using this thread?
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> What are they doing? 

You might want to check out the first page on /4/. Glad BOs dealt with that though

> Something illegal based off of that post. 

They literally admitted that they do illegal shit since they got here. And even did a call to violence in only three days of being here.

It's really sketchy to see a board that was more or less inactive for almost a year just go and become one of the top 10 boards in over a weekend. I would have just deleted the board and told them, politely, to go to another site. If they complain, well tough but we can't do anything else.

> Also, why the fuck are you using this thread?

Maybe he can make a new one or it's his first time in /operate/?

Also, please keep an eye out on the new /ligamx/ board. Also saw some sus threads there. 
and strangely I can't browse or search for that board in the boards catalog
They are 1-1 operating like a warez group, hunting down hosts that don't observe or mind their criminal activities, doing as much as they can before they move on.
You can even use a localization robot, they aren't shy.
They dislike anime, so we kicked them out.
what's illegal about reporting news? all posts are fiction, only a fool would take anything there as a fact

> You might want to check out the first page on /4/. Glad BOs dealt with that though 

again, what's illegal with what we post?

> They literally admitted that they do illegal shit since they got here. And even did a call to violence in only three days of being here. 

we don't do anything illegal on endchan and regarding pic rel, well, we can't help we also have trolls

> It's really sketchy to see a board that was more or less inactive for almost a year just go and become one of the top 10 boards in over a weekend

nothing sketchy, you post there making user count bigger and in effect appearing on the top 10, Tor users are counted as one

> I would have just deleted the board and told them

you wanted to say "I would have just censored this community because I don't like what they like"

> politely, to go to another site.

meaning "fuck off pedos"

> If they complain, well tough but we can't do anything else.

The only three global rules are:

    Nothing illegal under US law
    No suggestive audio-visual content of underage children. Loli ok.
    No spamming; no flooding that compromises normal operation of the site. 

we don't break any rule

> They are 1-1


> operating like a warez group, hunting down hosts that don't observe or mind their criminal activities, doing as much as they can before they move on.

we just want freedom

> You can even use a localization robot, they aren't shy.

why would we be shy on anonymous imageboard?

> They dislike anime, so we kicked them out.


Can it be related to what they boast about? Cause it seems like it is.
Long post incoming
> Someone took the time and effort to make this
How embarrassing! 

> again, what's illegal with what we post? 
> we don't do anything illegal on endchan and regarding pic rel, well, we can't help we also have trolls 
Well obviously someone won;t to it right away. Why would a criminal announce a crime that he'll be committing?
Even pinning the blame on a random person so your hands are clean of everything. 

Not accusing you personally of anything, but this has been the first board we've had that's given us so much issues in such a short span of time.

> you wanted to say "I would have just censored this community because I don't like what they like" 
You like twisting words don't you? I never said that. Any board posting illegal content would have to go. Just like in every other website. It's literal common sense

> we just want freedom
...to commit crimes, ruin a site and go somewhere else. Yeah I now. 

You guys just admitted what you're gonna post eventually in  >>/10659/ Who in their right mind would want you around?

There's a million sites out there. Maybe try there instead of here. 

You also conveniently forgot to mention the call to violence thread that was done in less than 3 days. Lemme guess "that was just a randums troll xD". You sound the same way as the trolls we've been having in /b/ recently, which was barely active until migration ended. Entire thing reeks of suspicious behavior


> what's illegal about reporting news? all posts are fiction, only a fool would take anything there as a fact 
Sure thing. I'm sure discussing illegal actions is the norm for regular people. Especially on sites that are known for being heavily monitored. Don't act dumb, because you know it's true.

But here, see pics related. Try talking your way out of this one 
inb4 just a troll
Hey /operate/ BOs. I was browsing a few boards and noticed that there was a really creepy thread about underage children on /b/ were the people who made it say they're literal pedophiles. 

It looks like it's been there a few days. I may try to report it now.

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