Start thinking about older hardware and compartmentalization of different tasks onto different hardware units. If you're doing something that doesn't need speed (writing and sending email, text browsing, low impact web/mail servers) use older hardware, if it needs speed (rendering, gaming, 1080p streaming video, number crunching,) then use something modern but only for that task (and for nothing else).   

Also assume that you're being keylogged if you're connected to the internet on a modern operating system (including linux and bsd) on a modern hardware machine (Anything >2005). Just operate as if that is true and weigh the implications of your typing and mouse clicks accordingly in your actions online and "Offline". 

Also get an airgap for anything that you wouldn't want to share publicly with your boss, spouse, grandmother, neigbour or law enforcement.  Make sure you do volume encryption or full disk encryption if you have sensitive data on the airgap.  I consider personal financial information ( like taxes, income, planning, purchases, etc) to be in this category that requires an airgap.  Anything to do with planning, inventory or income sources ( what books you have in your personal library, how many "things you own", un-booked travel plans etc...), part time revenue etc, stock picking and purchasing plans, business plans, business ideas etc.  Do all of that on an airgap. Mainly I'm thinking of personal spreadsheets, and personal text documents, digital photography and personal digital collections (music, pictures, videos, pdfs, etc). Also be sparing in what you share about this information in conversation with other people. Stick to the weather and sports teams. 

Also start thinking about low tech ( pen and pad, mechanical typewriters, rotary dial telephones, mechanical locks) to confound some of the more obvious possible entry points for government or criminal hackers to peer into your residence. Keep your blinds up in your study and maybe tinfoil the windows in your 'study'.  Also no cellphones. No smart phones. No Alexea, No Siri, No Google Home, no remote home security (don't be a retard).  Buy books and things second hand and try to pay in cash (second hand book stores and electronic recyclers).  

Making small todo lists should go in a non online hand writen journal, if its sensitive,then put the journal book in a fireproof mechanical safe inside your study, and shred/burn the contents when it is no longer required to keep track of the information.  Low tech can beat high tech in the spy game. You loose convienience but you'll gain personal privacy.   Just some ideas, feel free to contribute.