fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[os] - Endchan Magrathea
#  3)  This program may be used by any person, human being or sentient individual for any purpose and in any context and in any setting including for personal use, academic use,
#      business use, commercial use, government use, non-governmental organization use, non-profit organization use, military use, civilian use, and generally any other use 
#      not specifically mentioned.
#  4) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to study the code.
#  5) a) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to distribute, publish, and share the code with any neighbor of their choice electronically or by any other method of transmission. 
#  5) b) The LICENCSE AGREEMENT, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, Header and Instructions must remain attached to the code in their entirety when re-distributed.
#  5) c) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to sell this software as distributed or to bundle it with other software or salable goods.
#  6) a) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to modify and improve the code.
#  6) b) When modified or improved, any user of this program is granted the freedom of re-distribution of their modified code if and only if #the user attatchs the LICENSE AGREEMENT 
#        in its entirety to their modified code before re-distribution.
#  6) c) Any user of this software is granted the freedom to sell their modified copy of this software or to bundle their modified copy with other software or salable goods.
#  7) a) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to run this code on any computer of their choice.
#  7) b) Any user of this program is granted the freedom to run as many simultaneous instances of this code, on as many computers as they are able to and desire, and for as long as they desire and are
#        able to do so with any degree of simultaneity in use. 
#  8) Any user of this program is not granted the freedom to procure a patent for the methods presented in this software, and agrees not to do so.
#  9) Any user of this program is not granted the freedom to arbitrarily procure a copyright on this software as presented, and agrees not to do so.
#  10) Any user of this program is not granted the freedom to obtain or retain intellectual property rights on this software as presented and agrees not to do so.
#  11) a) Any user of this program may use this software as part of a patented process, as a substitutable input into the process; however the user agrees not to attempt to patent this software as part of their patented process. 
#      b) This software is a tool, like a hammer, and may be used in a process which applies for and gains a patent, as a substitutable input into the process;
#         however the software tool itself may not be included in the patent or covered by the patent as a novel invention, and the user agrees not to do this and not to attempt to do this.