lightweight rss readers 

I know there are simple scripts to read rss feeds. But as far as feed reader that is important because for example:

> manually clicking on a subscriber yt channel 

> updating an rss feed is a less footprint. 

Updating an rss feed id less of a footprint. I wonder if its worth it to obfuscate rss feed patterns like the trackmenot addon adds irrelevant searches to the browsers history? To do this you Just add a bunch of irrelevant feeds with your regular feeds.

Newsbeuter - simple terminal rss reader

NewsBoat   - simular to newsbeuter but more intricate.

Really appreciate that program I never knew about it thanks for posting it. I usually use that has a 10 url limit the program you posted can do unlimited urls. With the files it crashes for me with big lists but if you curate a bunch of good links or rss feed xml pages even you can scrape a lot of proxies.