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(1) Don't use social media [Avoid Facebook/Myspace/Twitter/Snapchat/etc.] (no brainer) Tell your friends to just hang out with you face-to-face instead of using social media.
(2) Forward secrecy (keep your mouth shut about any personal info if you don't want to expose yourself)
(3) Use a cheap private VPN (w/ no IP logging policy) and Tor browser! You can also use an OS like Whonix or Tails to spoof your MAC address in extreme cases.
(4) Always disconnect your internet (physically) when you are not going to use it! Make sure bluetooth and WiFi is physically disabled/disconnected. Don't keep your modem online all the time! If you do, you are asking to be hacked!
(5) Use an old "flipper" phone. AKA a jitterbug. Cover up any camera if has one. Jitterbugs are basic cellphones for people with disability problems / senior citizens! Just a bare basic cell phone where you can take out the battery. Has no internet platform. Any kind of device that has a camera you might want to consider covering up because they can easily be hacked to spy on and identify you remotely.
(6) Flock to flea markets, garage sales, thrift shops to buy older electronics! Do not by 'smart' or 'green' appliances! Learn how to maintain and fix older products/utilities too! All IoT (Internet of Things) tech can be used to spy on you, avoid IoT and 'home automation' technologies! Trojan horses, all of them.
(7) Never put your real name or personal info into your computer, always use FAKE names / aliases.
(8) Use cash whenever possible. Credit Card and other digital transactions can be tracked and directly linked to you. Cash could be tracked back to you too, but it is much harder and takes a lot of effort and human resources for governments to do.
(9) No OS is safe. Just exclude as much personal information you can from your Operating System. Make sure its disconnected offline when not being used! Make sure bluetooth and WiFi is also physically disabled/disconnected when not in use. If you use a "hot spot" which I do NOT recommend, at least turn it off and put it inside a little faraday cage bag when not being used (to prevent more sophisticated remote tampering).