I might as well add this report to this OPSEC thread: https://archive.fo/bBjkm

Do not allow any electronic made after 2018 into your home and you better have some backup older electronics which don't have cameras and hidden mics. The Wall Street Journal just rubbed it in our face that this is going to become the norm very soon as they will be embedding tiny microphones in almost every single thing they can get away with. So anything digital beyond 2018: don't buy it.

And do avoid things like Echo, Siri and other crap created by the big tech monopolies. Make it clear to your family, relatives and friends you won't allow this around your presence (or at least in your own residence). It is all up to us to wake others up about how they are stealing our data and selling it all over the world and if we allow it we are stupid as a bunch of rocks.