
I agree cook your own food. Buy from the local farmer's market, or from the grocery store.  Cook your own food in your own house. Don't order in.  As you mentioned its easy to poison you once they know your pattern. You call for take out and they intercept the delivery or have someone planted there to poison your pizza.  

I just meant to say don't do crime or talk about crime or personal things on the phone, no phone sex, no dirty talk, just innocuous facts, and lawful business. "Hey are we low on milk? Yeah OK I'll pick some up, bye."  Nothing about money, politics, drugs, crime, or sex.  It's all being recorded digitally and stored, and if you become a "Person of Interest" they go through it and pin point all the incriminating stuff to use on you for blackmail, coercion, criminal indictment, front running etc. 

Its too bad that they removed all of the public pay phones...If there were no cameras in the area you had a small level of anonymity (very small).  We're going to have to look to an encrypted VOIP by tcp solution for a "Secure Line".  Even then don't trust it too much.