Tor Proxy on Local Area Network (LAN)

What ?
Setup multiple computers on a LAN to route through a tor proxy for specific applications (Links2, , etc)

Why ?
-To allow novice Linux users (mom,dad,etc), to use Tor on applications that allow socks proxy settings like links2, without needing to know how to start Tor in the command line or setting a tor daemon. 
- (My reason) To allow another computer to handle Tor with a base install and to close all ports except for 9050 (or a randomly chosen port) outbound on a select computer that you use for Tor browsing and other Tor applications (endcurl, endget, endtube, oldtube, torsocks) etc.

-If you have an implant or a beacon with key logging it will usually broadcast out on port 53 or port 80, close everything (using and comment all ports out except local host for the ports you need and the random outbound port you will use for Tor) and set Tor outbound to a random port (not 9050 say 34591) and set your Tor proxy server to accept inbound for this random port.  This will basically squash outbound beacons.

How ?
You will need two computers to test this.  On the Tor proxy server,find out the LAN router assigned internal ip address using 
$ ip link 

( for example say its and add these lines to /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc


This tells tor to listen on ip interface on port 34591 for SOCKS5 connections.

Next allow the computers that you want to allow to connect to your Tor SOCKS proxy with the following lines

SocksPolicy accept
SocksPolicy accept
SocksPolicy accept     
## SocksPolicy accept   # Allows everyone on your LAN to be allowed to connect to Tor
SocksPolicy reject *

So now and are authorized to connect to your tor proxy.  
You also need to allow inbound access through the firewall.  


$ ip link 
on each computer or nmap to discover the ip's and mac addresses and add them as variables into

##########  CLIENT IP and MAC ADDRESSES ############## 


######### LOCAL HOST SECTION ###########
lo_open tcp 9050
lo_open tcp 34591   

############## SERVER INPUT SECTION #########################
server_internal_1p tcp 34591 $proxyhost_ip $proxyhost_mac
server_internal_1p tcp 34591 $client1_ip $client1_mac

######### Add more clients individually as required
now rerun endwall on the proxy server

$ su
# ./

Now over on your client computer make sure that you have outbound locked to the server in

add the ip addresses and mac addresses to your script as before then add

################## CLIENT OUTPUT SECTION

client_out_internal_1p tcp 34591 $proxyhost_ip $proxhost_mac


Now comment out the rest of the output section as desired and rerun on the client .

Test this configuration by opening links2 and changing the proxy output from
to Now access an onion webpage in links to test it.  Should work.

For torsocks you now use the -a and -P flags 

$ torsocks -a -P 34591 -i curl

I will be modifying all of the Endware files to allow for setting the Tor socks proxy ip and port in the script.  I'll default it to and 9050 so that it acts the same as before but you will be able to modify it in the script moving forward.  I'll leave the variables torsocks_ip= and torsocks_port=34591 commented out as examples in all of the scripts moving forward.  

So now you can safely close all outbound client out ports except for 34591 and route everything through your tor proxy server.  I'm currently operating this way. It seems to work / have positive effects. The idea is that all of the outbound implant beacons