Nobody really gets in trouble for reading wrong think if done discretely.  People get in trouble for posting or voicing wrong think in "public" and then getting their real life identities associated / attributed with the wrong think that they've posted or said vocally.  

The consequences can range from public shunning and community ostracism, to loosing your job, to being blacklisted from your career and industry, to being publicly harassed, to being violently attacked, to being murdered or assassinated.  And I'm not talking about communist China here, I'm talking about America. 

And then there are people who get in trouble for reading the wrong information (Knowing too much), reading classified documents, learning the truth about events (9/11, moon landing, insert conspiracy theory) etc. 

I'm not really concerned with that case.  Most regular people just want to be able to engage in open debate (anonymous or not) on the internet about the taboo subjects (Politics, Religion, Sex, whatever) without loosing their fucking job or being black balled from their careers.  For me I just want to read the news, watch some Youtube videos and occasionally post and debate in forums anonymously without backlash or negative repercussions.  We don't live in a free society or in a free country, we've been lied to.