Broadband internet can be shut off during a time of crisis, local telephone network will be robust unless there is a calamity (Tsunami , Hiroshima , etc ).   

This method of anonymity for the clients is pretty much opsec dependent, but if done correctly would be perfect anonymity.  

Tor's model of anonymity depends on Weak-crypto, Muh 3 hops onion, FireFox, Browser Plugins, Windows, MacOS, GNU, Systemd,  binary packages, trusting this entire ecosystem of garbage, and tricking you into doing all of this from your workplace or home residence, where a single IP leak  ( by whatever accidental or implanted method) ruins it all.  

But Use TAILS!!  No ...I don't need to trust Debian, systemd, or Tor, Tor Browser, Mozilla, or anything else. 

But use HEADS it uses Devuan and OpenRC !!  No ... I don't need to trust left wing communist hackers to protect me from a thought and speech policing totalitarians in the Government.

With my model I know from the get go that I don't post from home, so I get up off my ass find a place that I've scoped out previously and high jack a telephone jack for 2-10 mins.  For now lets use Linux, what do I need? ( an RJ-15 telephone wire patch cable, a US Robotics or Hayes 56K modem, a laptop with Linux, Windows, or DOS , a RS232 Modem cable, and possibly a power bar (or electric extension cable) for the modem wall-wart DC supply and the laptop power supply (use the laptop battery for this operation) ).