nice try grandpa
are you aiming for privacy, anonymity, security? VMs are unreliable from a paranoid security standpoint due to complexity, nevertheless if they provide anonymity, it may be worth it against larger foes that can compromise security with their access to exploits. Similarly with Tor Browser Bundle, sometimes it is better to blend in rather than to obscure your identity. a hoodie will be less conspicuous than a facemask.
> don't post modern photos except PNGs because of exif
you can strip exif data using 'exiftool' and other solutions. I have heard stories about cameras having hidden codes (and more likely, repeatable and detectable design flaws) that can be used to identify the module, but that's real rumor oojie boojie
> avoid all digitized vehicles
avoid vehicles especially with push-button ignition, vehicles with a disabled wireless unlocking mechanism would be preferable but there are vehicles with an option to disable the keyless wireless fob.   

> don't use social media
endchan is social media
> use a cheap private vpn
use someone else's vpn, don't leave a paper trail of payment leading to your credit card
> do not buy green appliances
enjoy getting vanned because your electricity company can tell when you're browsing the internet via the smart meter. green is just a color, but energy efficient appliances are easier to run off battery power and/or solar power sources.
> responding to phishing attempts at all
phishers may record a clipping of your voice to bypass automated vocal analysis software, which is luckily not commonplace, but nevertheless, do not give them information if possible
OpenBSD has a MAC randomiser inbuilt by default, isn't that a standard OS feature?
your password might have high entropy for a bruteforcing machine, but you're still relying on english grammar, which can be boiled down to rules no matter how complex they are
I would recommend creating a password using the FSF diceware list instead, as the words make less sense as a group, while still providing entropy