Hey Adolf, I'll place this new channel of yours right between Newsmax and Freespeech TV, so like on channel 26. It should be called TruthMax or something else equally nifty like polTV or something.  Get on it, hire your best H4x0rs to get it up and running, then run 24/7 truth streams in 720p...then shill the endstream playlist everywhere and people will tune in for sure...

On a side note, I totally watched Fiddler on the Roof the other day on BYUTV, and I wondered if they were sending that out for us here at Endchan...  I watched the whole thing too, Tradition!  Tradition! Tradition!  The Papa!! The Mamma! Tradition!...When Tavia's second daughter (Hodel) ran off with the gay commie guy I was like "Tavia lock that bitch up, hand cuff her to her bed", but Tavia was all like "I like him he is a good man..." and let his daughter go to Siberia to be with the gay commie guy. But then when his young redhead daughter wanted to go with the blond haired masculine German/Ukrainian gentile guy Tavia blew a fit, and I was like "No Tavia, this is good for your gene pool...", but Tavia was having none of it and disowned is daughter...a tragedy really...very sad...