I'm literally watching this black dude on MNN2 dropping some truth bombs and drinking sun kissed grape flavor purple drank. This could be you...

Earlier I watched some nasty fat black girls grinding and booty shaking to rap music naked on MNN 3.  Clearly whatever you have to say couldn't be more edgy or offensive than that... 

Stream through twitch, or set up something independent , wear a mask and connect through a VPN, or get a proxy to host the show.  I think channel 26 is too close to the top, but definitely there's a spot for this kind of content/ info right after MNN. Channel 66 is all yours. Make it happen. Rally your top talent, set up some kind of proxying, and connect the proxies to twitch or to something self hosted and stream it, with Power Point presentations, readings from Mein Kampf etc., whatever you want. Tape a 5 hour show 3 times a week and put it in a continuous loop.  I'm pro free speech on the internet. Make it happen, post the link and I'll add it as a channel in endstream.