> audited unix

I don't mind using linux when I have to use hipster bleeding edge software. And the hackish nature flowing through the kernel itself is never ending inspiration (for both offensive and creative nature).

but seriously, there's no excuse of not using openbsd on exotic platform here and there for making life of NSA employee bit more harder or use gentoo/arch like distribution to learn how the fuck software that we all hate but ultimately become the part of actually works under those filthy piping.

You don't have to be programmer or professional pen testing auditor to make impact. just walking into seemingly random bug, obscure documentation. the never ending experiment is what brought us here, not some IYI crackpot compsci nerd who happily spend his time jizzing over algorithm that works better than quick sort on astronomical scale.

I won't ask you to write compiler or bootstrap your own operating system from language specification or anything. 

Just stop before executing that command or shell script. read it and dump the elf header, see what it wants, how it's doing stuffs. 

Don't visit website with web browser all the time. use nc to see what's actually pouring through.

list goes on and suddenly you realize you don't want nor need questionable developers to dictate your disto nor daily drivers.