Repost of a good workflow from another user (Masonator?)
originally posted here  >>/pol/39627/

Rationale: Use the Tor network to obscure your originating IP, use an ssl proxy or socks5 proxy to obscure Tor network use
Stragtegy Flow:  Tor -> SSL Proxy -> Clearnet
Alternate Strategies: VPN ->Tor -> Clearnet  ; VPN ->Tor -> SSL Proxy -> Clearnet ; Tor -> Clearnet ; Tor browser on Tails

                    Proxychains Workflow 

################    Materials List   ##############################
you will need:
1) from >>>/os/
2) tor
3) proxychains
4) an ssl proxy

###############       Work Flow    ###############################

1) Go to a proxy site here is one for the sake of the tutorial:

2) Copy those proxies and paste them into this:

3) Export anonymous and or elite proxies

4) Make a text file called ssl_proxies.txt
5) Paste the exported proxies into ssl_proxies.txt
6) run this command: 

$ bash ssl_proxies.txt

this will weed out the proxies that give connection errors
you should have new files with the checked working proxies I would use ssl_proxies_yt.txt and pick one from there for the proxychains configuration.

7) Go to the config file of proxychains in /etc/proxychains.conf and make sure it looks like this. 

chain_len = 2
tcp_read_time_out 12000
tcp_connect_time_out 12000
socks5 9050 # Tor socks5

The first proxy is tor and the second one is the working proxy that we should have a list to choose from at this point in the tutorial. It might take a few tries with the proxies but if you see that it is resolving dns requests in the output you are good to go.

8) Now with proxychains set up you are ready to open your browser lets say you use icecat run this command:

$ proxychains icecat

Now you are going through tor and able to browse the clearnet with the http proxy. 

WARNING : Anonymity may require other additional settings, including browser settings, user-agents, stylometry obfuscations etc. 
              However the strategy presented here is an opinion about a strategy that may be helpful in the process of anonymous tcp ip communications.