IME is fucking cancer (Windows ME was a buggy piece of shit).

https://github.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js Mess around with this and perhaps put this in the sticky, maybe. Read its wiki too.

Security through normalfaggotry is not a tactic for abnormal people like (real) journalists/whistleblowers, pedophiles (Jared was fucked through PhotoDNA tech), real hackers, political dissidents, etc.

Grsecurity is no longer releasing their experimental kernels to the public, so I've switched to the pck kernel. I'm somewhat stumped as to whether hardened or apparmor kernels are better when it comes to network security though probably not. I'm not a kernel guy, just a random stupid loonix enthusiast. My shit just doesn't feel the same without the grsec-knock kernel, but we all gotta move on. Perhaps that's what fucked you up, though your circumstance is much more different than I'm in so you should know the plausible variables that had got you better than I do.

Minix and Plan 9 already solved it though in different ways, while the Amiga was the best, it's now a big mess, it (AmigaOS) doesn't have true multicore support.

Maybe powerlines is the problem, or maybe it's something more esoteric and obscure.