Drop out of the gui into the shell in text mode. Have tmux, and links installed and configured for tor.

in what follows ; means follow the first command with the second command.

$ tmux
$ CNTRL + b ; SHIFT + " 
$ CNTRL + b ; SHIFT + "
repeat until there is a 2 line command window at the bottom of the screen. then let's remove the windows that we won't be using
$ CNTRL + b ; UP arrow
$ exit
$ CNTRL + b ; UP arrow
$ exit 
so now you have a large window and a fame at the bottom with a command line.

in the large window frame, start up links
$ links 

now you can browse and copy links and type stuff in the command window.  To get a new tab type:

$ CNTRL + b ; c

this brings up a new window that is clear, you can repeat this step to make more windows and switch between them using
the numbers 

$ CNTRL + b ; 0
$ CNTRL + b ; 1

I like to open a window with endradio to listen to the news, while I browse the news and endchan, 8chan etc in the links text window.  If I need to download a youtube video or some file that I see I use oldtube or endtube or endget or endloads to download the content that I collect from youtube or from some other source.   I use this methodology to be productive in shells and environments that don't have a gui but that have the above tools.  Try it out in a terminal emulator first to get the hang of it, then use it in text mode for low profile security.