############### BEGINNING OF GUIDE ##########################

In this thread I document and revise how to set up a tor hidden service email server, you may substitute the servers that you are most comfortable with.

STEP 0) Collect the relevent files from The Endware Hidden Service
Set up a tor mail server using postfix or OpenSMTPd, with dovecot for imap or pop.

You may contact me anonymously at  endwall@zvdcyrpole74oo24gqkx2wh6rmrthrhexzik5dm6xf7ewtiekxmvqwqd.onion
Use endmail.sh to send mail to this account.

Encrypt with pgp and send messages and files by email on a tor hidden mail service on port 25.

Everyone should do this. Then just share your hidden service address and handle.



http://nguipxnkrp3qrzrlduhsatpcpwehnblzmlkc5ifiumxq4z5jlh4lwvid.onion/content/dovecot/   STEP 1) Install Postfix

$ su
# torsocks pacman -S postfix dovecot
# ...

# cd /etc/postfix/
# cp endfix.cf /etc/postfix/main.cf

STEP 2) Install Dovecot

# cd /etc/dovecot/
# mkdir -p conf.d
# cp dovecot.conf /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# cp *.conf /etc/dovecot/conf.d/
# cp *.ext /etc/dovecot/conf.d/

STEP 3) Make ssl self signed certificates for postfix and dovecot
And place these in the appropriate directory
This might require entropy so you might need to run haveged first

# torsocks pacman -S haveged
# haveged

# mkdir -p /etc/pki/tls/certs
# mkdir -p /etc/pki/tls/keys
# cd /etc/pki/tls/keys
# openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout postfix.key -out postfix.crt -days 365 -nodes
# openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout dovecot.key -out dovecot.crt -days 365 -nodes
# mv postfix.crt ../certs/
# mv dovecot.crt ../certs/

or use libressl or gnutls and create the same certificates

now go back and edit /etc/postfix/postfix.cf and /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf to reflect the location of the certificates and keys

STEP 4) Start the services

# systemctl enable postfix
# systemctl start postfix

# systemctl enable dovecot
# systemctl start dovecot

or the openrc equivalent to enable and start the services.

STEP 5) Setup tor for mail hidden service

# mkdir -p /srv/tor/mail

Add this to your torrc file and start tor

nano /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc

HiddenServiceDir /srv/tor/mail/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePort 25

your hidden service name will be generated and placed in the directory /srv/tor/mail/hostname

# cat /srv/tor/mail/hostname

This is the hostname for your mail server. Go and edit /etc/postfix/main.cf to reflect this.

Do Not Share the private key from this directory with anyone, and change the permisions to read only with no access to other.

# chmod o-rwx /srv/tor/mail
# chmod g-rwx /srv/tor/mail
# chmod u-w /srv/tor/mail

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