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Thanks. I've decided to claim this board and see if Endchan becomes the new home for 8chan users. It looks like it could go either way right now, so if Endchan becomes the new 8chan we'll need a board that will actually represent the interests of White pagans.

It's really disturbing that the BOs of two /asatru/ boards (who claim to be different people) both flatly refuse to simply say mutts aren't allowed. It makes me concerned about the character of the asatru community. This is despite what I thought was acceptable behavior on the part of the Asatru Folk Assembly which is overtly white nationalist. I don't know how so many genuine race mixers and race mixed individuals have wormed their way into a white nationalist community.

In any case, if this site takes off I hope we at /pagan/ will endeavor to change that and grow the faith in the Old Gods with proper white nationalist principles.