This thread is to state the rules and allow discussion of anything related to board moderation. Obviously all the global rules apply, as do the standard unstated rules like don't shit the board up with spam ect, excessive shitposting ect. As small board with low PPH, threads may stay active for years at a time, so please put quality above everything else.

For Anons:

1. Don't post normie crap. There are millions upon millions of books in circulation. The vast majority are garbage and do not belong here. 
2. Effort posting is highly encouraged. Book reviews, analysis, and comparison are great places to start. 
3. Sharing is caring. The vast majority of politically incorrect and suppressed literature which has survived, did so because someone cared enough to share the literature in the first place. 

For kikes and shills
1. Gas yourselves

Finally, I've noticed that third reich era films are getting scrubbed. Due to the massive file sizes that can be posted, I'll keep a thread open to specifically upload .webm versions of those films and those films alone.