thumbnail of 1968 - The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17.pdf
thumbnail of 1968 - The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17.pdf
1968 - The... pdf
(2.47 MB, 0x0)
thumbnail of 1967 - Accident The Death of General Sikorski.pdf
thumbnail of 1967 - Accident The Death of General Sikorski.pdf
1967 -... pdf
(824.23 KB, 0x0)
thumbnail of 1968 - The Virus House.pdf
thumbnail of 1968 - The Virus House.pdf
1968 - The... pdf
(2.02 MB, 0x0)
Now for three more lesser known work. I haven't read these like most of the rest of his collection so unfortunately readers will have to use the titles as guidance on these. Nonetheless, it wouldn't surprise me if each of these contain the same sort of historiography that David is so famous for.