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Look at the aspie in the witches hat. That is what the people who get exited about classic painting and europa threads on 8/pol/ - that is who these "pagan" shitheads are interwoven with. Masons that do the cuckface in witch hats before they thumb the eyes in of a spic that was trucked in by the hundreds to lodges across the nation. Continuing on some speculation to the violence level of the cuck in the bitch hat.They thumb the eyes in because the profane mexican boy shall not see the illustrious robes and ritual displays of the inside of a tiled lodge. Like a morter and pestle they thumb the eyes in and do the pagan cuckface in their witch hats. Then they concern troll after the site is ddos'd by whatever glowing eye outlet they use to make sure people that work all day do not suspect the people who own their neighborhoods and city are thumbing kids eyes in. Pressing their eyes in like a handshake clasp with the devil. Gumming the eyes in After they disemboweled them of course so they can show little pablo that now that his intestines are being pulled out like a lawnmower Adrenolizing the blood little pustule mehican. After they pull his guts out like the penal sign of the 3rd degree.then he is allowed to thumb pablo's eyes in. So that he can see he is not going to survive before he sees no more.eyes wide shut.