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>>/92891/ > Its not the same. They don't have massive amounts of pro-nigger and pro-kike propaganda in their media. Top kek this is just as pathetic as cink "white monkeys" shilling the same narrarive At least in quanzhou or how is rhat province is at least (because ccp is always dishonest with stats) 500 000 niggers and even there were forced lairings of niggers and han cinks in unis which started befkre 2000s and were one of the main motives for tianamen square Also thalmud in cinkland is deemed as a book for sucesfull financial sucess and thats jjst a tip of iceberg apart of fact cinkland ie ccp is created by jews and kaifeng jews > Their primary schools are not 70% nonwhite like they are here in my part of the US And then rest of nation is illeterate as shanghai and metropolitan cities arent whole continent and they btw apply actual racist policies on anythin that isint modern han cink ie mutt chinese > I've been to these places and they are decidedly nowhere near as pozzed as the US. 200 social credits were added to your account on reccomendarion of your commisar > Wrong Nope... Not at all > Western forces must be defeated overseas before domestic elements feel confident enough to strike them on their own soil. Lol no and again iran in 2019 was enough to see you dont need war for change of colours nazbol fag > God must bleed before men believe he can be killed. More on supposed saviours of white race and i recommend to look on more what that mad man has of a golden veins Even despite i hate their way of talking or worldviews they show perfectly what the shithole cinkland is now after kaifeng jews tomfoolery in ccp Even supoosed shelmov putin the savior of white race had no shame to approve mosque on russian banknote and only repelled that after comolaints