thumbnail of nigger erectus.png
thumbnail of nigger erectus.png
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This idea of the niggers being remnants of Homo Erectus, the kikes being Neanderthals, and the european-asians being Cro Magnon. All competing for control over the planet. This idea made me rethink about an older idea I once had.

What does an athlete needs to stay in top form?

What does a nation, civilization, or ethnic group needs to stay in top form?
But not just moving the body, exercise here is meant in a more wide and general sense. Existential exercise. Exercise to keep existing.

Some guy once conveyed that same idea of "exercise" as "struggle", and that idea is much much older than that. Far preceding the world wars, but this is not the point.

Now, what about the niggers and the jews? From the point of view of an european or an asian?
They, niggers and kikes, particularly the kikes, are mostly destructive and often parasitic, inside european civilizations. The moreso if one accepts this idea that they are distinct humanoids entirely, and that they instinctively want to destroy all competition, and destroy all europeans and anything created by europeans.
So the first instinct, of any european person free from brainwashing, of just wanting to remove all the niggers (and other alien foreigners) and kikes from the european lands, is not a misplaced impulse.

What I'm about to propose, is about what to do with the niggers and jews living outside the european lands. Should they be eradicated too, or not?
Given an hypotetical scenario where they have already been completely kicked out of all europe (and america and asia, if you want to include them too), what to do with the niggers and kikes living elsewhere?

A primal instinct, as per the 3 humanoids theory, would be to just remove them all from anywhere on earth, and then for the european people to move on with more interesting things to do.

What instead I think, based on the principle of health of a genus by execise, is that there is benefit for the european people to keep the niggers and kikes around, only so far the niggers and kikes are used by the europeans as obstacles to overcome, as ways to exercise the european capacities to self defend, to hone internal integrity, to improve resistance to parasitism, and resistance to poisonous attacks targeting the core of society. The exercise needed by europeans to fend off the destructive presence of both niggers and kikes, is a good way to self improvement and maintain a sane level of vitality.

The current issue, regarding the european decadence, regarding both niggers and kikes in european lands and elsewhere, the current issue leading to that decadence is that the niggers and jews are no longer used as subjects to exercise over by europeans, and by the lack of exercise to uphold their own existence the europeans are growing weaker.
So it's not necessarily the presence of the niggers and kikes alone to be the cause of the decadence of european societies, but it's rather the lack of the will to continue existing and the lack of existential exercise, which is ruining our societies, as this interpretation goes.

Conversely, the complete removal of both niggers and kikes from anywhere on earth, would not necessarily result in an improvement of the european people, if the attitude to not practicing existential exercise would continue afterwards.

The idea of vitality by exercise, or by struggle, suggests that it's more beneficial for the europeans to exercise dominance over the niggers and kikes (and any similar hostile population), rather than just exterminating them all.

(excluding cases where the niggers and jews go extinct by their own savage idiocy alone, I'm not saying they should be helped survive either, if they lack the ability to survive by themselves, they should be left to disappear as they should, this is a case where the course of nature should be respected, not all things can keep existing forever, it's normal and natural to be so, good old things should be left to die so that newer good things may grow up; except the kikes can't be said to be good things