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I am a fan of precise surgical strikes and after knowing about how the jews operate and how their propagand machine works I can say confidently that
> >If you take the jews ability to print money and give it to their favourite puppets the entire system of jewry falls down
> ESG cancer on corporate giants, massive inflation of stocks, market manipulation and lobbying can only happen because they have control over the money printer. Due to how inflation works. The first people that receive the newly printed money are the ones that most benefit from it and the last ones the people that get the kick out of inflation.
> Their funding of trash ass newspapers that no one reads can only happen because of central banking.
> Right now, Trump is trying to see to provoke a recession to try and pay the massive amount of debt the United State to force the Federal reserve to lower interest rates. This conflict is the opportunity of a lifetime against jewry
> Inflation and recessions have a real effect on normies and real people if we can gather their attention on the conflict the same way the public's attention was on USAID we can strike a deathly blow to the jews.
> All of the things that are awful about the jews are conentrated in the financial system their dog awful decisions that promote certain businesses over others, the threats of taking away your bank account and the cronyism that corrupts government are all concentrated in there.
> ANd you know what the best part of this moment is? We already have a way to replace the financial system.
> There is already a foundational structure around cryptocoins that can replace the FIAT central banking system. And that we can easily shut the jews out of since most cryptobros are there because they hate the government and sometimes jews.
> Abd if they try to resist and not play ball, we can use their actions such as debanking to push normal people onto crypto and completely shut down their power! They will be caught between a rock and a hard place. No escape!
> It is going to be glorious likw that episode of Doctor Who about the Silence Whcih were Aliens that controled everything but were invisible. At the end of the episode the aliens get defeated because The Doctor flashes an image of them as the US plants the flag on the first time they got to the moon making it impossible for everyone to ignore the existence of the aliens!