Now let's get to the main point: why is Naziphobia an injustice? Imagine an ethnic group that is blamed for the sins of its ancestors, without being given the right to vote. Now replace "ethnic group" with "people who sympathize with certain ideas of National Socialism." They are persecuted, silenced, deprived of the right to debate. This is classic discrimination against a minority! Just as Africans and Asians fought for recognition of their uniqueness, so "Naziphiles" (let's call them that for simplicity) want to avoid being judged by a template.
Yes, Hitler was not an ideal politician (to put it mildly) - that's a fact. But isn't it absurd to ban any discussion of his ideas, as if they were radioactive? If we can calmly analyze Marxism, despite the millions of victims of communism, then why is National Socialism taboo? These are double standards. Naziphobia turns ideological minorities into outcasts, just as ethnic minorities were once outcasts in racist societies. The irony is that those who fight "fascism" become fascists themselves, driving dissenters into ghettos of silence.
Hitler simultaneously rejected multiculturalism and philistine chauvinism - and it is hard to disagree with him if you look at Europe in 2025. When opposing cultures, religions and customs collide in one space, without a common ideology, this ends in conflict. National Socialism offered an alternative: let each race live where it is comfortable and develop at its own pace. Africans in Africa, Asians in Asia, whites in Europe - and no hard feelings. Immigration? Only if it is necessary and if the newcomers respect the rules of the hosts. Sounds reasonable, doesn't it?
Naziphobia is not just a fear of the past, it is a hatred of those who dare to think differently. Just as ethnic minorities fight for their place in the world, ideological minorities deserve the right to exist. National Socialism was not perfect — that's putting it mildly — but it had ideas that can be discussed without hysteria: respect for differences, the priority of ideology, healthy nationalism.
So let's stop stigmatizing everyone who looks at Hitler without blind hatred. Let them talk. Let them argue. And if their ideas turn out to be nonsense, we will tear them apart in an honest debate. And if not... Well, then maybe we should learn something. After all, the Earth is big — there is enough room for everyone: races, and ideas. Even the strangest ones.