Yes, and I've repeated them twice. Maybe you're color aversion and can't see green text or something. Or maybe it's A.D.D.
"So why should an ideological minority that sees in National Socialism not only horrors but"
What horrors? National Socialists see no horrors in National Socialism. Explain.
"Of course, his methods of implementing this idea were not ideal (to put it mildly)"
Not ideal how? 'To put it mildly' suggests you saying his methods were not ideal extremely.
"Yes, Hitler was not an ideal politician (to put it mildly) - that's a fact."
What fact? What the hell does this mean? Again, 'to put it mildly' suggests you saying he was not ideal extremely.
Understand this from my POV. I have seen many posit different scenarios and try to weave disruptive viewpoints into claims that they're one of us. The point of course was always to mind-fuck National Socialists. My paranoia here is that you might be subtly trying to massage in "Hitler kind of bad" - as those excerpts of your entire messages seemed to suggest.