uh oh Israel jpg
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ISIS mp4
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Israel loves ISIS 2 jpg
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Israel loves ISIS jpg
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ISIS mossad png
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> What do we have? The truth and if you guys have been doing your homework
The problem with that is, you're addressing basically one anon. Maybe two since Slav anon comes around every now and then to counter the regular kike spammer.
> Call the police and report crimes you know damn well they don't have the manpower to fix.
Depends on if crimes are happening. Otherwise, cops charge you on false reports. My grandmother found this shit out. She was a panicking lunatic whenever we didn't answer the phone.
> Steal some shit.
That's for filthy shitskins or meth addicts.
> Put more fuel to the power by going to lefty circles and encouraging them To Luigi Mangione some CEOs.
18 U.S. Code ยง 373 (Jewgled it) and many other stricter laws in Europe. I'm saying be careful.
> Keep pointing out that there is no solution to any problem that is not violent.
Fact. Peaceful protests don't cut it.
> And if they are receptive to it ... point out that the jews caused the problems.
Few are receptive to that. Which is why you phrase it as Israelis or if not in Israel - Hebrews.
Jew in negative connotation triggers instant Pavlovian responses in the brainwashed.
> Once the chaos starts rising and the madness spreads we will use it as a cloak of shadows.
"Accelerate" meme. That one has been going on awhile. You don't need chaos to move around in shadows.
> When people are getting killed on the streets no one is going to notice if a jew here or there misteriously dissappears.
If that's happening, you or I are likely to die as well. We're not bulletproof.
> That way we can off most "normal jews" if they do not somehow flee to israel.
If the U.S. has outbursts of violence, you can be damn sure I'd use that.
You know, before I get killed.
> Some trash ass jews will flee to their bunker in new Zealand or something.
Kikeroaches always flee. They're cowards.
> Use cement to ceal the airways and laugh as they suffocate.
Bullets and rope are cost effective.
> The locations of all those bunkers are on the internet already. If we are lucky most of them flee to israel as we send all the muslims and criminals back to their countries.
Muslims won't go willingly, not after their mass murders by Israelis.
> If we can manage the situation to make it so that in order to stay in power muslim countries have to kill or send those criminals somewhere else we will be halfway there.
This is onto something I have thought of before. Pic related. If somehow these Arab nations could be agitated enough to attack Israel, it's over for the vile kikes.
> Because that will fuel ISIS
Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Not viable.
> and HAMAS and others.
Used to be viable until Israel went batshit on the mass murders.
> Then if they strike as the US needs its armies to be at home to manage the chaos we will be able to end them right there.
If you can get the US out of the vice grip snare of jews.
Best case scenario: Get jewry out of U.S. government. Israel does a terrorism. U.S. populace responds.
As opposed to: Jewry was in U.S. government during 9/11. Israel did a terrorism. U.S. populace was deceived.