fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[pol] - Endchan Magrathea
So now we understand the fundamental idea behind real self improvement we move onto expanding upon the topic; the reason to fight. Not merely fight in a physical aspect but in what one could potentially term a "spiritual" way. Allow me to explain.

A man can steel his body, sculpt a perfect example of the European man's true form through hard work indeed. But there needs to be a deeper purpose to it. Merely identifying a deeper purpose is just the first step, it must become an entrenched bulwark for the mind to detect and defend against potential corruption influences (nihilism, ego death etc). Let us begin.

So, let us state an obvious goal we all share; the protection and propagation of the European peoples and their long term survival in a world of chaos and deeply embedded corruption. Now this sounds a rather grand and sometimes almost impossible feat but the truth is it is much simpler than it first appears. The initial routes to dedication must come from personal aspects and expand from that, the roots must be bedded deep as it were. Therefore a wise decision is to attempt to begin with family or a loved one. As a European man, your role, first and foremost, is the protection of those you hold dear. Blood. Ethnic nation. Race. For some expanding this to your entire racial group is fairly easy, for others it can be challenging, hence this approach. 

So, how can one protect those he loves? Each person decides different priorities when it comes to this but for the most part in my experience the overarching concepts are;

- Physical mastery. To become strong enough to protect them in case of attack. It does not need to simply be an immediate threat but a long term threat such as encroaching diversity or some such. Use that initial fear as a drive. Realise this is a fear to be conquered and overwhelmed by your dedication to physical improvement and sheer will. Once you have begun to improve and grow stronger you will find this fear replaced with instinctive awareness and the fight reflex in place more firmly than before. This is just part of mastering your physical world though for you must also remember the world you live in; food may be plentiful but the items of plentitude are rather vile and poor for you. A man can buy a Big Mac for a couple of pound but if he wishes to buy real meat without hormone treatment or factory farmed you'll be paying a fair bit more. As the old adage goes, you are what you eat so if you wish to master your physical aspects you must first understand the fuel you are taking in. I will expand further on this point at a later date however.

- A drive to provide stability. Any man of noble spirit and heart wishes to ensure his family and his people deserve a place to rest easy. We are often deprived of this by the hate fuelled semetic parasites who force the outsider upon us in an effort to drive us to the brink. We are forced to live among Negroes, Arabs and assorted other unwelcome offshoots of humanity resulting in a devastation of the European spirit for it is forced to live in a state of constant threat and unending aggression commited against ourselves. Thusly we must forge new homestead and bastions far from the maddening crowd and in order to do that we must provide both financial capabilities and emotional succor in the interim. As a man this is vital and must become a key aspect to any improvements you make, be it for personal or familial reasons. A man can begin the path to /sig/ but if he is trapped within the belly of the beast he can only go so far in such a vile environment. You must become the unmoving mountain of both physical and emotion aspects.

- Sacrificing the easy. The word sacrifice means to make something sacred. A simple concept is it not. So therefore, despite the association with sacrifice being bad as "muh aztecs human sacrifice", removing poisons of both the physical and mental (e.g. mass media) variety to follow the road of improvement means to literally embrace a path of greatness. You are bombarded at every oppurtunity by semetic poisons, be