Op here on the subject of import; understanding the Overman.

> To forge a man of action.

In these chaotic times, true men of action are needed. So often we consider our situation almost insurmountable, the semetic enemies weapons innumerable, their golems plentiful. In order to be a Man of Action, a true European, you must, as i've stated in previous threads and posts, embody the Aryan ideal of the Overman. But just what *is* the Overman?

I could acost you with long winded tales of European heroism and nobility (which is something you should most certainly learn about) but I shall cut to the very heart of the matter; it is you. It is the culmination of wisdom, strength and bravery that lies at the heart of Men of Action. It is one, be him a mighty giant or a short and portly fellow who recognises his weaknesses and fixes it not because he is told to, not because he merely wants to but because it *is* him. 

In a manner of speaking it's the realisation of just what you are underneath all the follies and vile degeneracy of the modern age. The Overman is a man who does not merely wish change but simply does it. Some would use a Hollywood trope from some semetic corruption of the idea but the truth is the Overman is what one could term "true" power. His power is not borrowed but attained by him through strife and struggle. 

Knowledge from learning of events from modern media, Reddit posts or shitty 4cuck threads, these are the hallmarks of a small man. It is from reading literature of old, understanding philosophy from Plato to Evola, scouring Historical texts banned or hidden from public discourse for the truths they seek hidden that one attains understanding at a level he had not believed possible for it is with this knowledge the European Man attained greatness.

An Overman does not rely on protein powders or steroids to gain physical strength and mastery, nor does he seek knowledge from jokes of "martial training" like Kike Maga or Brazillian Jujitsu but gains prowess and discipline through true martial training, be it boxing or a real martial art.

An Overman does not seek temporary relief or succor from things that would poison and weaken such as media or consumption of a product for he can find enjoyment in his own creation, whether through skills such as gardening, carpentry, art or writing. He can break the shackles of the modern degeneracy and in doing so becomes more than a mere man, more than a simple anon on a board. He becomes a true exemplar of what every far flung son of Europe is at his heart; a hero. 

Yes this is not a path for everyone. It can be lonely, soul crushing at times. You will find yourself torn, struggling to overcome concepts forced upon you and others by the semetic parasites who have taken your future. Your body will ache, your mind will bend but there is a light at the end. There is a strength you never knew you had, a wisdom you did not believe you could possess and in walking the path you do not merely galvanise yourself against the predations of those who seek your demise but you will become a beacon for fellow Men of Action. A light of hope in a world darkened by blood and treachery. You will become the Overman. The European ideal. Others will tell you it's not possible, to merely surrender to nihilism, to take the path of least resistance. But you are better than that. In your veins runs the blood of heroes, men who fought and forged nations for their sons and daughters. It falls to us to reclaim and build upon our birthright. It falls to us to raise our fathers banners once more against the gloaming morass of inhumanity that seek our eternal downfall. We walk this path together, even now with oceans seperating us. Division must end for only in unity can we defend against the coming storm, only in brotherhood can we stand shoulder to shoulder. This is our conflict, a battle for the very soul of our people, there is no retreat for we are the very bulwark that will protect our race from becoming the dust and echoes our enemies wish it to be. We will r