If one were to apply the concept of "divine right" while considering all of this I believe the success of Adolf and his message was infact perhaps speaking not merely to the people but speaking directly to the spirit of them or the volk as it were, bringing them together to form not merely a "faith" of what one commonly considers to be a collection of rules and obedience to a single entity but something a strata above that. This is the tool for which any budding leader of men must utilise. Many current "thought leaders", if you can even offer them such a grand term, attempt to do this, speaking of solidarity between the European peoples, speaking of uniting together and yet none can openly offer *positive* change. Oh, of course you'll get the usual "to survive" which is a vital reason but that is a defensive term. It is an attempt at a bulwark but not a vector of pushing forward. What a true leader of men must encompass is not reconfiguring the existing system but an entirely new system with an objective that transcends mere survival. I have written on various occasions on the importance of hope and that is what a positive objective must embody. Without a forward motion our people and our goals can never come to fruition for such a position is static, it is merely holding back the tide, not actively pushing it back. It offers respite, not hope or faith. Any new leaders words must speak directly *to* the European spirit, the grand mass of our people rather than focusing on small pockets of resistance or small objectives. Had Hitler focused efforts solely on ultra nationalists it's likely his movement would of struggled even with the horrors of Weimar, his encompassing of a dream for his people spoke not to them on a personal level but to the spirit that had been shackled by traitors and parasites. In speaking to the spirit of the European peoples this leader does not aquire the "divine right" in himself but creates it within the very people themselves with the leader himself taking the role of awakening it from it's long slumber within every man and woman seeking a future. This must be a lynchpin for any who seek to forge a path, it must be the core tenant at the heart of not merely White wellbeing but to building a future worthy of our people.

There is no retreat, no bastion that can hold forever. We must always push forward and to do that we must embrace the Spirit of ourselves and our people to do so. We must never rest nor stop, upon victory we must find new challenges and new goals for rest and becoming static will merely allow for the degeneration to repeat and for more atrocities to be put against us. Our children have been brutalised and raped, our women degenerated and used as puppets, our men stripped of nobility and pride. The enemy has attempted to strip us of all hope and crush our spirits, only offering kosher religiosity and "new age" spirituality to flourish for they are easy to control. The true Spirit of Europe must be awoken for only in faith in ourselves and our people can victory be won and a future made manifest.