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Upon the topic of conditioning; reforging ones self against the corrosive self flagellation.

With the mere mention of conditioning no doubt many a reader will have the image of the rotund yet oddly still muscled form of Alex Jones ripping off his shirt in a fit of inarticulate scripted rage. To a degree he does have an understanding of what conditioning is but fails to see the degenerative seeds from which it has grown. When I refer to conditioning I do not speak of the push for "accept the mentally ill's justification of self mutilation" nor the "race mixing is great goy" for both can be easily dispelled with a mere glance at scientific data by the common man, rates of crime or mental illness or research into these subjects showing clearly the lie (even if the semetic powers are attempting to suppress such information it is still fairly well documented). No, what I refer to is our hijacked sense of altruism. In the European Man's very building blocks is the gift of altruism, it is a key component that helped lead to the formation of healthcare, public works and areas of great beauty such as monuments and public parks, the creators of these monuments leaving something for the generations that will follow after akin to the ancient Greek proverb of planting trees you yourself will never see. It is a key component to our ability to empathise, a more unique trait to our kin, one clearly lacking in the semetic, negroid and arab offshoots. One could even argue it is a part of our very 'soul'. It has also unfortunately become a tool for the semites to utilise our own downfall, it becoming warped into acceptance of all that is corrupt for "you should be tolerant, don't you empathise with your 'fellow man'" and "doesn't this stranger deserve the things you have, have you forgotten your blood libel, sorry, sins of colonialism" have become the standards of this corrupted form of altruism. The fool argues for these things, the soul darkened by hatred will argue that we should completely dispel the thoughts of altruism, I however would argue for a third position. That of reinvigorating it within our own people. I do not necessarily suggest you build monuments nor parks you will never see but a much more simpler approach. Support your own kin in the simplest form and offer nothing outside of it.

Let me offer the simplest of examples. Let us say you are getting a taxi. The driver that arrives is of arab persuasion. It is common place, at least within these grim shores of Albion, to offer a small tip at the end of the journey. Simply do not offer a tip. Now let us reframe, the driver in this case is a fellow countrymen or even just a general European. In this event, you do offer a tip. It sounds ludicrously simple does it not. You favour your kin and withhold favour to the outsider. I know this will seem obvious to some but for others, this is a point that they never quite realised they could do for they merely accepted it as common courtesy. This is an example of the inbuilt altruism, it has granulated so much that even a thing such as this is an act of rebellion, ponder that for a moment. We have become so used to this social interaction many rarely question it. It is one thing to offer jobs to brothers quietly or show support for White European identity in her homelands and her colonies but it is another to practise it in all it's forms. The same thing can be expanded to not just this minor interaction but to restaurants (although if you do indeed visit a restaurant ran by a non white it may be prudent to always check health certifications beforehand if it cannot be avoided). Only tip your waiter if they are a fellow countrymen, even if they are a degenerate with pink hair for despite the malady gripping at that moment they are still kin and mayhaps one day, when the dam breaks, remember your kindness.