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No doubt some will be of course craving a sweet treat as a dessert or maybe a snack, this is often a stumbling block for those who seek to lose weight. The temptation and habitual gorging of chocolate can be a hard beast to tame but it is possible, you merely need to be smart about it. Try switching to a fruit at first, any fruit, just to get used to moving from the overly sweet sensation of chocolates or candies. Now no doubt a nutritionist is reeeing as he reads that but allow me to continue as he no doubt will understand my next point. Now you have become adjusted to fruit, move from what I would assume is a high sugar one such as apples, grapes or bananas to one of low sugar such as watermelon (cue negroid meme in response), peaches, oranges or lemons. Slowly, over time you will begin to become adjusted to these lower sugar alternatives and find yourself no longer craving the high fructose, high calorie sugar you did previously. If you *must* have some chocolate then consider a dark chocolate with a high cocoa percentile, while still not exactly wonderful for you it is better than the milk stuff.
So these were just as stated, a primer for the arena of food and a very basic one at that. There are far more avenues to cover such as changing from plastic cooking utensils to cast iron, recipes, cooking advice, avoiding meme diets and so much more including things I have probably missed in the primer. If you take nothing else from this, at least take this away; there is a reason the poor quality food is in abundance and the items actually good for you cost more. They want you fat, lazy and unthinking, they consider you a unit to consume more and more. Like as in all things of this age you must find a way to rise above it and food is one of the most important aspects of it for it is literally our fuel. Take great care of your body and it will take care of the mind that inhabits it.