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Upon a topic that all should take to heart; the subject of understanding the opposition. I shall not be looking at the matter of "crying out as they strike you" or of pilpul as they have been covered extensively elsewhere.

A term often thrown around is the "End of History", a popular concept within the sphere of European well being. More often than not it is packaged as the idea of history no longer being relevant just after the fall of the Soviet Union, the "last big threat" to the world falling as the "Democratic" and "Enlightened" nations cheered on despite it's own peoples subtle enslavement and unending ignorance of the fates bound to them being a distorted mirror of the more overt semetic Communist concepts of the Eastern bloc. It is a queer thing is it not, to reflect upon these things. Especially when one looks at where things have arrived now, an age that sought to use Weimar as a template has not merely done that but surpassed it in various ways with nary an efficient push back nor victory by the supposed opponents of this degeneration. Oh, we all know why, the semetic puppeteers ensuring both sides dance to the rhythm of ethnic self hatred and self destruction, poisons so foul and permeating everything that those who seek to rid themselves of it still must wallow in their shallows to a degree as it erodes every last island of nobility and sanity in our dying civilisations. 

Many know this but for those who do not, this is the reason for the destruction and dismemberement of our history for in that, in epochs now passed, we have sought hope and inspiration from heroes and their teachings so that we may follow in their footsteps and that we may not merely become them but if possible surpass them while honouring their ideals. This is why in place of these Men we are offered the pathetic and corrupted simulacrum of greatness in the form of the modern "hero" be him clad in spandex or a vacuous action "hero" but also why for those seeking real leaders you will only find either approved psuedo Communist "revolutionaries" or supposed "thought leaders" offering only meekest and most kosher ideals available for public consumption for anything outside these bounds is "undemocratic" or "can't work". Thusly we must understand it is not merely the End of History that is sought but the very death of it, all that is to remain for most of our people being a brief epitaph upon a neglected memorial should the enemy complete their work.

Thusly the parasite, has in essense, perfected the drone. Oh, it is not purely done by history erasure of course, there are many more steps to such a thing but our history is a pivotal cornerstone to a man understanding his place within the world, shatter it and you make him malleable to all the other foul schemes you have in play for he no longer has his true identity, only the faux ideals you force upon him. Now this drone, this "last man" if you wish to employ Nietzsches concept, is a simple beast. Consume, submit to your own degradation and offer tribute. His nature is that of simple, rationalized machinery. Oh he will think himself "unique", an "individual" as he consumes and submits like his surrounding kin, all his protestations to the contrary hollow much like his soul. This is the fallen state of the European Man. This humiliation of our people by the semite is a very deliberate act you may notice for they will nary en mass partake in what they deem "good" for our society beyond an occasional "sacrificial lamb", most rather sell it then sit back laughing as they watch our fall from grace and their vile elevation to power brokers and masters. It is almost akin to the disgusting BDSM rituals where a "slave" is "broken in", their will subsumed by that of their abusers. Make no mistake, for them, this act is both sanctioned by their own texts and embraced as their racial norms despite the protestations of "based" semites decrying it. This is the very reason they call us "goyim".