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The true irony is that these things are already happening in the lands of the accusers themselves, the parasite already has in place what it needs to ensure every nation of Europa and her colonies will suffer the same fate. This is the inherit danger of the parasites machinations, to force us to mock in place of help, to distract us with our brothers dire situation in nihilistic delight so that we may ignore the atrocities happening in our lands for "something worse is happening to someone else haha". It is truly despicable. We must accept the things happening are not unique to our particular region but is part of a greater scheme and thusly each and every count must be taken, not just those done to our own. The crime done to one nation of Europa or her colonies is a crime done to all, this must be our mindset.

We must purge ourselves of these forced concepts of separation if we are to unite as a people, we must at a fundamental level understand and value the fact we are all European. We must stand tall and proud as exemplars of this and lift our brothers up no matter where they be. We must reinforce where they in particular are weakest and accept their aid where we need help none of us fight alone. The few of us here who understand Unity, we will raise the battered banners of those who fought before us and carry them to the end of the line no matter the cost even if it seems meaningless to some for we stand for every one of our people. But we are few and need brothers to help lift our standards higher so more may see there is still Men holding firm, that there is still a battle to fight. At this juncture, in this time of turmoil, it is not your money nor your materials we need to win this fight but your faith and your strength. The strength to raise your voice in unison with your brothers in saying we will not fall and the strength to lift him back to his feet when he is wounded. Your faith that the man by your side will stand with you no matter how dark the hour grows and that each of us will see this conflict to it's conclusion. With one voice we must speak, with one purpose we must fight. 

For all the peoples of Europa we march, unbound and unshackled until victory be won.