And why do I think he is sincere and of the good?

Matthew 7:16
Ye shall know them by their fruits. 

The guy creates new artistic musical and video content nonstop. He streams for 2-3 hours at a time. He's constantly fighting for the family unit. His main meme at the end of streams is to be fruitful and multiply.

I wouldn't even be on this thread had Owen not bridged the gap to make the concepts here make sense. I wouldn't have been up to speed to even know where to begin, much less to not have dismissed everything here as bullshit at first sight.

My main complaint of him is that he doesn't yet know how to consistently define the difference between wizardry (bad) rhetoric and persuasion (good) rhetoric as he sees it, but then again I don't either so I can't actually complain. He's banned people for dubious reasons countless times, but I get why - he was thrown with his family into the ocean a few years ago and if keeping more order on his stream is the cost of maybe banning a decent guy who just has to roll a new gmail address well then of course it's a reasonable thing to do.

He's shooting off the hip but his aim is still reliably true and productive. He was shat out of the belly of the beast from Hollywood to the neoconservatives like Crowder and PragerU. When he found out they were just as bad as Hollywood, he bailed and his haters doubled. Owen publicly burned the two sides of the left/right dichotomy, and they will follow him to the ends of the earth for his insolence, also known as the chans. Mind you this all happened in the last few years, right after he got married, then had two kids, and built a homestead, so he's had a few other burdens during that journey as well.

Give him a listen he's alright and I bet you will learn a new thing or two.