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Tri-Attack is a move dedicated to this. It's probably some kabbalistic alchemy as far as I know. Or it could be something else.
Of course as we know Nimrod is associated with lightning. In the Recognitions (Pseudo-Clementine literature) he's accused with teaching the Persians to worship fire.
> "In the sixteenth generation the sons of men migrated from the east, and, coming to the lands that had been assigned to their fathers, each one marked the place of his own allotment by his own name. In the seventeenth generation Nimrod I. reigned in Babylonia, and built a city, and thence migrated to the Persians, and taught them to worship fire."19
So Nimrod is associated with lightning and fire. This leaves ice, which is associated with fire in kabbalah. Keep in mind, the frontier of Nimrod's empire, which was Bactria/Afghanistan, Caucasus, and western Anatolia, were all icy mountainous regions. Picrel is Ninus's empire according to Greek historians, it would've been at the same borders as Nimrod's state since they're said to be of the same ruling dynasty, or even the same person.