thumbnail of The legend of Zelda and the illuminati.jpg
thumbnail of The legend of Zelda and the illuminati.jpg
The legend... jpg
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thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-12-09 r freemasonry - “Nintendo president assassinated by Freemasons” conspiracy theory floats around socia[...](1).png
thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-12-09 r freemasonry - “Nintendo president assassinated by Freemasons” conspiracy theory floats around socia[...](1).png
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thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-12-09 r conspiracy - Shigeru Miyamoto, the Yakuza, Nintendo and MKUltra (2).png
thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-12-09 r conspiracy - Shigeru Miyamoto, the Yakuza, Nintendo and MKUltra (2).png
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thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-12-09 r FanTheories - Is Nintendo (Ocarina of Time) Anti- Illuminati .png
thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-12-09 r FanTheories - Is Nintendo (Ocarina of Time) Anti- Illuminati .png
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Here's some similar discussions about vidya and Freemasonry. The TRS thread is what got me into all this.
1:10 British Freemasons brag about putting the all seeing eye on the dollar bill