Good to see you again. This subject you addressed hits the nail on the head perfectly. Perhaps I might've had the sensation of disappointment in those I meet in person lessened where I to live in Britain instead of America. There seems to be higher levels of stupidity here. The indoctrinated boomers flat out refuse to listen most of the time. It's a dice roll with mid-20s through 30s, and less than that speak ebonics by majority even when white. Displaced European ancestry people, frankly, are the only ones I tend to have success with. It has proven too much of a risk when a non-white is within earshot. There is only one part I disagree with about your thesis, and that is just to simply live is to resist. I would argue that actually resisting coupled with continued survival not just of yourself, but vesting interest in the survival of your people, is the best (though vague) strategy. Regardless, I hope you have kept these speeches recorded somewhere such as a text document, writing or something similar. These are much needed intelligent reflections you keep gracing us with on this board. In short, you should consider authoring a book.