You are most kind in your words. It is of no surprise to hear how across all our nations generational deterioration is occurring at a constant rate. Attempting to introduce doubt about the narrative into these groups grows increasingly difficult as the enemy fortifies it's positions with distractions and knives put to the throats of those that defy. Trying to lead them to the truth is akin to leading a horse to water. He will follow on occasion yes but he cannot be forced to drink from it.
Your disagreement is also well met, I phrased my wording poorly. When I say to merely exist I do not mean it in an individualistic manner but in the fact I am a surviving son of Europa, an example of the thing it despises most. While yes at that juncture when I understood this I had not fully realised the gravity of that fully having only a vague grasp of what differentiates a Man and a man, this being that those who pass through the crucible of self doubt and misery and survive it are the greatest fear the parasite have; an unbroken Will even in the face of such horror. This is something you, me and a many others have reached but something a great many others still struggle with. There can only be one conclusion at the end of that understanding, that only within unity of his kin does the European Man become his greatest, in brotherhood does he find what he truly has been seeking, something I may speak on at some point.
As for back ups, I do have a physical back up and a couple on some cloud hosting sites. All burner accounts however so the safety of the cloud ones are shaky at best. As for a book, the goal of this work is purely for the sharing of thoughts and an attempt to offer a path through the darkness of these times to those who may need it. I am still compiling all of it into a PDF for dispersion with some editing but this project is something that will never have a purchasable physical copy or if it does it will be purely at cost should it ever reach that far but such thinking is fanciful in my mind. There is too much at stake at this point. We as a people stand upon the precipice of destruction whether many admit it or not. This work is for those who grow tired of the mask of nihilism or grim comedy, those seeking a way forward without resorting to self destruction or aiding the goals of the parasite with unfocused violent outbursts. I refuse to stand by and watch as all is stolen from our children, I cannot. Our ancestors forged these nations for us, they bled and died believing in something greater than themselves while mothers and wives wept as their fathers and sons died upon fields soaked in blood so that *we* would have a future, so that we had a tomorrow. Even if few see this work, even if it is but a handful it must be done. I have to do something other than spend my evenings either reading or at the gym. We must win this, no matter the cost. This is what I can gift towards that end. I give my thoughts and time freely as others have done for us all in times before this. I do honestly believe we can win this. We just need to remember who we are.