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Onto the topic itself however (thank you 555f19 for helping me choose to do so);

A most controversial topic awaits this time. That of the topic of Christianity and the importance of avoiding it's trap. I have debated about whether to cover this but I feel it must be done even if it may cause hurt. Part of me resists posting this, the attacks on Christianity have indeed been brutal of late but simply put this is due to it's connections to the European ethos that I hesitated however now this is something that Christianity itself is inflicting harm upon. 

It is absolutely unquestionable that the subject of Christianity is a tempestuous one. A man can argue for and against with ease but in the end it is only with a firm understanding of both the history and the actions of this faith that we can decide a fairly firm conclusion. Those who decry it as a "kike on a stick" while simple in their ethos hold a grain of truth, those who profess "it can save you" also bear a portion of truth as well even if blinded by simple rhetoric. The uncompromising truth however is somewhat prosaic. We must look at Christianity within the wider context of our people, it's origins and where it has led us to fully grasp it's ramifications. So let us begin.

In it's initial form the Christian faith was a clear piece of the tripartite Abrahamic religious system, a system of principles it deviated from to a degree while still partially relying on Judaic frameworks (said deviation more so in the New Testament compared to the Old Testament) presenting a rather serious issue with it in it's base incarnation. One need merely read the Old Testament to know of what I speak, from the tale of Isaac to the "borrowing" of Assyrian and Babylonian concepts and legends within it's construction, it is a very well engineered piece of rhetorical machinery. Now I do not say this to belittle Christ or the concept of the Christian God but these facts concerning biblical texts and Christian theology at large are undeniable. It is a faith built upon other faiths. A faith that subverts, not unlike Judaism itself. Now, no doubt some are perturbed at this comparison and rightly so, for is not Christianity the religion of the European people? Well, yes and no. There is an uncomfortable truth for those who profess Christianity is the true bulwark against the parasite, this being that the parasite has already taken apart Christianity, with ease I would like to add. Allow me to explain.