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It is not unfair to say Christendom for the most part is beyond salvage at this point. One cannot hold the individual Christian at fault, nor should they. But as a faith it must either atone for it's failings which is unlikely or be brushed aside. At this time Christianity does not offer a connection to the spirit, it divides us from it, it places man above nature rather than working in conjunction with it, it offers no real ascension or pursuit of greatness, merely a quiet death with the promise of something else after we fall all the while serving the interests of itself and the semetic elite. It makes us pay adherence to something that intrinsically is not our own. We can place as many veneers over it as we wish, we can dress it up as beautifully as we please but it does not change what it is and what it has done. At it's heart it is an Abrahamic religion, one that has played a pivotal role in our past ascendancy and now our destruction. But that is not to say we should ignore it all together, no I would not suggest that for despite it's weakening tendencies some of it's teachings are useful even if it is composed of subversion's of traditional European religions and concepts. 

In my eyes Christianity is indeed something to learn from, some of it's values do hold weight. But I would nary embrace it fully for it does not offer hope nor a future. If brothers wish to stand truly against the parasite and the gloaming darkness that comes then they can still freely hold Christ and the Church in their hearts, none would deprive them of that. But they must understand that the survival of our peoples takes precedent over Christianity. That we do not serve Christ in this grand conflict, we do not serve an Abrahamic faith. We serve our people. We serve our nations. We fight to protect the very soil that was entrusted to us so that our sons and daughters may have a future upon it. We do not fight in their Gods name. We fight in the name of Europa and her colonies. That is to whom we entrust our faith, in our brothers and in our Will to gain victory. There is an unspoken reason as to why the only Christian iconography within populist circles is the Celtic Cross. Why all the rest are ancient European or Paganistic symbols. It is because all those other ones hold truer to ourselves, they are more implicitly a part of what composes the European spirit. It is because these symbols are ours and ours alone where as the cross is now a global symbol. It was given away freely and thusly does not belong to Europa, it is a fair question to ask if it ever truly did in the first place. Our people lived and thrived before Christianity. We shall do so again after it.