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As for vaccines, well the very nature of the virus and how vaccines are developed suggests this will be either a long shot or take quite some time, most likely over the commonly believed twelve month mark. A virus has a propensity to mutate as we all know, it is these mutations that make them such a pain to prepare for. It's why Flu shots are always subject to fail in some regard, you cannot prepare for every strain of the flu. Now a vaccine for the main strain is actually fairly likely, from all reports it's fairly stable as a virus meaning mutations are slow. Some theorise Iran is suffering from a unique mutation but I cannot comment on that as I don't have enough data although their case count has been... odd. What I am trying to say is do not expect a vaccine tomorrow even with it being a fairly stable. In fact if a vaccine arrives quicker than twelve months I would have some very serious questions regarding it. These things take time, small scale voluntary testing, larger scale testing, refinement, production, it's a slow process to make an effective vaccine. As for an anti viral it appears there is a flurry of information out there concerning tests of them, some using HIV anti viral, some using anti malaria drugs, the highly questionable Israeli anti viral that's being tested. You know, that's another subject worthy of independent investigation, how an Israeli biotech firm so quickly offered up it's anti viral for testing. Now is not the time though but it is worth having a look at, their company is also one of only a very small few who are still green on the Jewish stock market.

Now here I am going to go into a little bit of conjecture, just follow along for a minute. I do not believe this virus is entirely natural. In fact I personally err towards it being a man made creation wholeheartedly. Only not in the manner one would expect. Based upon what I've read and heard regarding the Level 4 Wuhan Bio lab (for those unfamiliar there was a bio research lab not far from the supposed "wet market" the virus supposedly originated from) it is increasingly likely a breach of safety protocol allowed this virus to escape. My perspective is that the nature of this virus is one of two things. The first is a prototype to an experimental virus, it has certain hallmarks that make sense to this. What I mean by this is that it is not designed to wipe out but rather cause disruptions. To cripple infrastructure due to lack of personnel able to run it, to essentially cause chaos. It's long incubation time and a-symptomatic spreading suggest this, it's well designed in this way. The other angle is that this is still man made but designed in mind with creating antivirals based upon this particularly engineered mutation. It's not uncommon for scientists to tweak viruses to either predict mutations or to investigate avenues of weakness for vaccine development. Regardless of either of my theories however we are currently living through it therefore just put such thinking to one side for now. It is merely something to consider. The lab also has some Jewish connections as well as some almost Tom Clancy-esque events surrounding where it got samples from also but that is a rabbit hole that could get it's own dedicated thread.