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> any miscreant mooks in the midwest with appropriate 'merch' wanna disrupt a talk for shits and giggles?
There's only one method you should choose for this. Vandalizing never works. That will only cause kikes to pull the "watcha doin Rabbi?" and start spraypainting swastikas everywhere then wailing like the babies they are. Violent action such as beat-downs or a lone shooting will cause kikes to convene yet another congressional hearing on "white supremacist violence" and push more jews as a special class bills which will definitely be passed into laws by the orange jew POTUS. It doesn't even matter if the attacker is black, mexican, puerto rican, or an actual trained fucking monkey. They're going to be called "white supremacist" by lying asshole kikes.

So. Print fliers. They'll popularize them with mass media. The jews always do this.