David Irving on... webm
(3.33 MB, 540x360 vp8)
So he's an Aryanist and by his own admission not an actual National Socialist. I'm aware of the problems he would have to face simply by using the term Aryan itself. Everyone's capable of opening their eyes, but they have to do it on their own. That's the major problem with knowing right from wrong while trying to sway others. In their cognitive dissonance, others believe they're right. National Socialists face this at each and every single turn.
And I'm not German. I'm descended from Scottish ancestors. I may have picked the SNP and Douglas Young if he was capable of accomplishing such a fight against jewish hegemony, but the Brits imprisoned him for refusing to be conscripted in the war against National Socialist Germany. He wasted his life protesting the wrong people. I chose not to consider the British my enemy when research has led to jews being responsible for far more and controlled Brits through the Rothschilds, the Circle and more. Scots are too damn focused on Brits as the enemy when they're not. In the same vein, I choose not to consider Slavs to be the enemy either. Russians were manipulated, executed and starved to death by jewish Bolsheviks. You know the stats. Those were jews. I recognize Hitler as the great man he was, for never lying as he ascended to Chancellorship. He had no fuck-ups. His Generals where to blame for losses after his doctor deceived him and he considered himself near death. Still. There were fuck-ups under his command and those who later assumed command in his stead. Operation Long Jump specifically with their inability to recognize double agents and also webm related.
I'm in an exhausted state at the moment. I'll likely be back to my usual pissed off self because jews run fucking everything in the morning.