Meanwhile I have to rent from a jew apartment complex, who have already screwed me over because I have extremely low options and they can prey on me. Where every fucking day there's some hooting negro and a chink screaming in their vile tongue. Hope you chance upon a good tenant soon enough.

Anyways I'll post a meditation guide, it helps clear the mind and relax one quite a bit, some anon was asking for one as well.

Firstly turn off any possible distraction, like music or tvs. Then sit straight up in any comfortable position, and set up an alarm for the amount of time you want to meditate for, five minutes is a good time to start and gauge how much you can go for.
Once all everything has been set up, you can begin, your objective is to think of nothing, empty your mind. 
Start by concentrating on your breathing, actively thinking "inhale" and "exhale" will help you focus on your breathing even more, and tune out any wondering thoughts or bodily annoyances. Resist as much as you can any urge to scratch anything, or shift positions, after a while they fade just as they came. Internal disturbances should also be ignored. If any pop up, go back to thinking of your breathing, and if it persists, give a quick answer to it so that it can conclude, don't entertain the idea any further, just let it go. Its also not a good idea to beat yourself over any failings during meditation, as this is just another distraction, if you scratched yourself or shifted positions then that's it, go back to focusing on breathing, same for entertaining thoughts.

Eventually you'll be able to meditate without having to think about your breathing, instead you can focus on the sensations present in your body, on the feeling of air coming in and out of you, your heartbeat or some kind of abstract visualization, a common one is an expanding sphere which follows your breath.
Once you get the hang of it, increasing the time the next step, add an extra minutes, maybe two, do this whenever you think the alarm sounded too early, or when you kept meditating despite the alarm going off. Eventually you'll find that the alarm sounds too early too often, and you can get into it easier.

I'm not an expert by any means, I only started because I saw some shitty image some years ago, but this my advise, and I'd welcome any further advise.