Hey. Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I'm a literal mental retard (Parkinson's), and I'm wondering if anyone knows any tips or tricks to get back on the upward path of self-improvement? I feel trapped in the mind and body of a sheeple, and it's only by constantly watching videos such as Adolf Hitler's Warning and The Jews Are Our Misfortune that I can manage to stay in a redpill mindset instead of slipping back into the bluepill slime of hating Adolf Hitler. My attention span and memory are like that of a goldfish, but I'm determined to reach back the heights that I once had. I don't really know or have the capacity to remember what caused it, but I think my kike psychiatrist sensed my power level, so he deliberately prscribed me way too many fucking anti-psychotics. I'm NEET right now, and I'd hate to waste this golden opportunity of self-improvement.