Okay, so I see now what is going on. My parents have been secretly giving me lithium over the past couple of years. Or perhaps some equivalent? I have aweful memory memory loss, and difficulty with basic logic. Also, I don't know for sure, but I am paranoid that they might put me in a mental institution in the near future. Does anyone have any reccomendations for the event that I end up in some resididential psychiatric ward type shit? I'm talking stuff like convict conditioning style body building to dissuade someone from injecting me with vaccines or sedatives, how to deal with sociopathic or jewish staff, eventual escape plans if it comes to that, etc. I have no way of knowing if I'll have access to the internet, or if I do I can be sure that they'll have either some heavy duty surveillience (overt or covert) of what I research, some pavlovian "good goy points" system of earning time on the computer, or both.