I'm still here, since the Corona situation began I've been fairly swamped with a mix of work and family issues. I don't particularly mind it as we all have our duty in such cases but it can be fairly draining. I do have a couple of topics I would like to post but I don't feel like they are complete, they still feel lacking. I try not to post unless I have truly something to give so my radio silence isn't abandonment of the thread but rather a lack of satisfaction with what I do have. Though in saying that there is one close to completion, I just don't know how to finish it. It has to do with how we see ourselves in our own journey, how to recapture that feeling of a greater purpose, that vital element that has forever been the hallmark of the European Man. I just need that feeling of vitality to complete it, this Corona situation has made me lethargic and a lethargic body creates a shiftless mind. I do apologise though, I began this thread and while all are welcome to shape it and create it I have been neglectful in helping fill it myself. As way of righting that wrong once I complete the topic i'll update with a slew of more books concerning our culture and history, I've been collecting since the last book posting so there's a few more I can add to the existing list.